Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for April 17, 2012
Danae: Arrrgh!! Come on!! Joe: Uh... why is Danae yelling at the microwave? Kate: 'Cuz it's too slow for her. Noise: DING. Danae: Well, it's about stinkin' time! Sheeeshhh.... The box says it's "instant oatmeal," but is one minute instant? I don't think so!! Joe: Y'know, there's an old saying, Danae... good things come to those... Danae: Whoa... too long, already bored, and tuned you out... Kate: Good try though, Daddy.
Oddname almost 13 years ago
a bad workgirl always blames her tools
pouncingtiger almost 13 years ago
Danae suffers from instantaneous gratification.
Varnes almost 13 years ago
Waiting more than ten seconds for a computer to do something is unbearable….
Aussie Down Under almost 13 years ago
Attention span disorder.
revisages almost 13 years ago
well, as i always say, King Henry VIII didn’t have hot-and-cold running water, or any other modern luxuries of the West. he had to deal with those bunches of minions every time just to get his bath.
poppy1313 almost 13 years ago
Sweet Girl
loudmouthbass almost 13 years ago
@Clark Kent….Cliff’s Notes plz. I’m not reading all that :)
roctor almost 13 years ago
Danae’s world only encompasses sight and hearing.
EDinWAState almost 13 years ago
Richard S Russell said : “Well, it IS instant oatmeal if you don’t mind eating it right out of the box”.
Best laugh I’ve had this morning!!!
EDinWAState almost 13 years ago
Clark Kent… lighten up dude… it’s a cartoon for gods sake!
tripwire45 almost 13 years ago
Imagine if Danae had to actually cook her food.
njberman almost 13 years ago
The more a person has the more they complain. Just one more reason extinction is in order
luvcmx almost 13 years ago
She is a cartoon character. If we do what you imply and change her to a goody-two-shoes (and probably Captain Eddie to a truth-teller), what do you recommend that we replace them with to give us a chuckle?
psychlady almost 13 years ago
Danae needs to grow up and get a grip!!
PICTO almost 13 years ago
“What’s irritating is neither she nor her mother remember it.” What’s irritating is that you seem to think that stories about you physically abusing a 5 year old would be of any interest to anybody on this site.
Brockie almost 13 years ago
Dear God Give me patience….and I want it right now.
KEA almost 13 years ago
yeah, just ask Mitt
PICTO almost 13 years ago
Done properly even terrorism is a form of communication? Why can’t the verbal and non-physical treatments work when the promise is the ultimate reward?
g cai almost 13 years ago
hasn’t had her coffee yet
GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Is instant gratification too much to ask for?
steverinoCT almost 13 years ago
“I was sad because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet. So I took HIS shoes.”
BluePumpkin almost 13 years ago
Hmmm, I think it has been proven multiple times that spanking/physical punishment is unnecessary. I’ve known several children who were raised without being hit and have grown into lovely individuals. (and I can be quite critical of children) Thing is, non-physical discipline takes a lot more work and time . . . which is my guess as to why so many people don’t think it works.
PICTO almost 13 years ago
Did you miss that sign post? I think it said “You have entered the Twilight Zone”. Imagine if you will TheTrustedMechanic and PICTO repairing a car…. TheTrustedMechanic: “Hand me a wrench.” PICTO: “What size do you need?” TheTrustedMechanic: “It doesn’t matter, I’m going to use it as a hammer.”
RogueSymmetry almost 13 years ago
Good things come to what?!?!?! OH GOD, tell me the answer!!!! It’ll drive me nuts all day! Darn you Wiley!!!! TELL ME TELL ME, I can’t wait
Digital Frog almost 13 years ago
Educational researchers have established that people learn in different ways. Some require visual stimulus, some require auditory, some require physical interaction. What is discipline but try to teach correct behaviour? So it only stands to reason that different children may reposond to or require different types of discipline. What works for your children may not work for mine, and vice versa.
Dtroutma almost 13 years ago
The question with “instant oatmeal” isn’t “How long?”, but “Why?” I have the patience of a chipmunk on amphetamines, but won’t waste it on that stuff.
Can't Sleep almost 13 years ago
Welcome to the world of limited attention spa —Hey! I wasn’t finished!
Spamgaard almost 13 years ago
Vonne Anton almost 13 years ago
Really? You can nuke instant oatmeal? I knew it worked with Captain Crunch, but….
NoTimeTheBook_com almost 13 years ago
Love it!!
Perkycat almost 13 years ago
I was going to comment on the comic, but – geez- I’m keeping my paws off the keys on this one.
dabugger almost 13 years ago
Varnes almost 13 years ago
I think it’s nice that Kate is supportive of her daddy…..
Hunter7 almost 13 years ago
Beat me to it. Now how to figure out the getting it NOW!
tigre1 almost 13 years ago
I bet the new ‘Boy’ in North Korea it a LOT like this…
cbrsarah almost 13 years ago
And how long does it take for non-physical punishment to sink in? Till they’re grown and out of the house? None of the time outs, groundings, and taking away privileges ever worked with my kids. They just waited awhile before doing the same wrong thing again. A good smack across the butt got their attention faster than the above. Once that message got across that there are consequences to their actions they straightened out. Now they’re grown and they behave in a more civilized manner than some people I’ve seen.
recordman almost 13 years ago
and your point is?…..
recordman almost 13 years ago
great minds think alike!
xall2h1 almost 13 years ago
1 minute is pretty fast for oatmeal
EDinWAState almost 13 years ago
I was raised in an era when the razor strop ruled the home, the wooden, hole filled paddle ruled the school and the long ruler and slap in the face ruled the church. A punching out ruled the streets and foreign wars ruled the movies. Our heroes in western boots duked it out at the drop of a whiskey glass and Dillinger was a National Icon. Hell… even Warner Bros. Cartoons used thousands of guns, bombs and other various explosive devices as gag lines.
None of this seemed to affect me in a harmful way. I grew up to be the average Midwestern, alcoholic with violent personality traits, unable to hold down a job, unlucky at love and marriage, and was slowly slipping of the deep end of the sanity pool.
All that violence didn’t harm me nun (Oops Freudian.slip) none. Three tours in Nam cured all that when I came gruesomely face to face with the lengths some human beings will go to inflect pain and horror to other human beings.Thanks to my VA shrink and fourteen years of therapy, not to mention all the meds, I live a relatively normal life isolated from others and out of sight.So… what’s so bad about corporal punishment, child abuse, alcoholic parents, demented priests and nuns, constant exposure to violence (and laughing about it), local movie inspired gang violence and nations bashing each other’s brains out in the name of corporate greed?
Stanley Kubrick’s classic “A Clock-work Orange” is the quintessential statement on the dysfunctional world we live in.(Apologies if I misspelled Kubrick,… it’s not in my spell check)
I turned out all right… didn’t I? Someone… anyone… please…?
reynard61 almost 13 years ago
Hear that? That’s the sound of a joke going completely over your head.
(Apologies to Jeff Dunham and Peanut.)
skippyfred almost 13 years ago
explains why teaching has become more difficult.
walruscarver2000 almost 13 years ago
Each generation since the 1950’s has had more and more given to them, and it appears fewer and fewer appreiciate it. We have reached the point where discipline has become a thing of the past. But just as there can be no up without a down, there can be no reward without some type of punishment. What seems to be missing today is a sense of proportion. There is a difference between a spanking and a beating, and if you can;t tell the difference you shouldn’t have children regardless of which side of the argument you come down on. Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Danae is adorable and very bright. I don’t know why folks here can’t deal with a little girl who talks back. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with her as a parent, but I love reading about her antics. I think she would be a great counterpart to Calvin (who doesn’t get bad-mouthed nearly as much and no where near as severely).
Rakkav almost 13 years ago
Of course she does. She’s Danae. The last time she showed any compassion at all that I remember was when she met an old Holocaust survivor.