Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for May 09, 2012

  1. 115131
    Cooro  over 12 years ago

    at least they seem to be enjoying it o.o

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  2. Olympus spartans
    bloodstar  over 12 years ago

    yo mama so dumb she threw a penny at the ground and missedyo mama so poor that she moved her house by kicking a canyo mama so fat and old that when god created the world, he told her that she was blocking the sun

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  3.  js  me
    Feed Me Comics!  over 12 years ago

    Yo mama so fat when she jumps in the water, the water jumps out.Yo mama so fat she has her own Atmosphere.

    PS: Claire LaLiberte, what’s lame? You replied lame to something i did. either the yo mama joke i made or the idea of the storyline. which one and how is it ‘lame’? >:(

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  4. Clouseau
    el8  over 12 years ago

    Yo mama’s so stupid, she put a ruler next to her bed to see how long she sleeps!

    Yo mama’s so fat when she walked into the all-you-can-eat buffet they had to install speed bumps

    Yo mama so stupid, she tried to steal a free sample!

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  5. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  over 12 years ago

    I’ve always hated yo mama jokes, my mother died when I was only three so I’m really sensitive.

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    tytytyty9876543210  over 12 years ago

    funny to see chad run

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    flagfly  over 12 years ago

    Shades of “In Living Color”. They would be proud of you all.

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    jonadab  over 12 years ago

    Yo momma so crazy, Bethlehem won’t take her. Yo momma so nerdy, eighteen world-famous scientists have named pets after her. Yo momma so skinny, when she got a tattoo it doubled her weight. Yo momma so ugly, there’s a YouTube “Makeover” video of an artist using Photoshop to transform her picture into one of Michael Berryman. Yo momma so loose, she’s not sure which planet your dad was from, let alone which species. Yo momma so old, she used to date Strom Thurmond, and people told her she was robbing the cradle.

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    The Boston Banana  over 12 years ago

    yo mama so fat she put a yellow jacket on on the street and everybody yelled taxi

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    The Boston Banana  over 12 years ago

    yo mama so fat when she walked by the tv i missed 7 commercials

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    The Boston Banana  over 12 years ago

    yo mama so fat in order to get through a door she needs 5 people pushing her and a twinkie on the other side……….none of these r to u guys just sharing

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    Lou  over 12 years ago

    Your mamma is so fat, all the other fat mammas orbit around her.

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  13. Dscn0818
    The Howe-Itzer  over 12 years ago

    Yo mama so greasy, she uses bacon for bandaids. Yo mama so ugly, when she walks into taco Bell, everyone runs for the border Yo mama so ugly, when she cries, the tears run down the back of her head Yo mama so stupid, she stared at a carton of orange juice because it said “concentrate” Yo mama so fat, when she wears a red shirt everyone yells “HEY! KOOL-AID!”

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  14. Popeyesforearm image
    Popeyesforearm  over 12 years ago

    Lincoln,you’re a riot.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago

    If Artur gets involve in this, it’s bad news for Nate!

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  16. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Didn’t Nate once try to “train” Artur in yo mama smack-downery? You know, a whiles back, before Artur spent some time in Istanbul. If so, I forget how that turned out………

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    Potrzebie  over 12 years ago

    So where is Nate’s Momma?

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    madvirgo  over 12 years ago

    How the heck do all you people know so much about my Momma!?!

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    xall2h1  over 12 years ago

    Teddy is good with yo mamas. Nate is good with your so’s.

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    kenivlikesbignate  over 12 years ago

    i like Nate’s face in the last panel

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  21.  js  me
    Feed Me Comics!  over 12 years ago

    Okay, you DID come up with great ones and making me want to tell more.

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  22. Unknown
    holtbyisawesome  over 12 years ago

    Question, why is it so popular?

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    holtbyisawesome  over 12 years ago


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    yomama12345  over 12 years ago

    yo mama so fat she has more buns then a bakery

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    yomama12345  over 12 years ago

    yo mama so fat she doesnt fit on the family tree

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    Deedeeholloway2  almost 9 years ago

    yo mama! yo mama! she married obama! you can tell she’s such a loser, that this deserves all this drama!

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    B Dawg   over 8 years ago

    yo mama so gross, flies are too grossed out to fly around her

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    BentleyStJohn  over 7 years ago

    You mama so ugly even hello kitty wont say hi

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    Aero 64  over 3 years ago

    Yo Mama is so old that if she had kids now they would be born age 50.

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    ;) (no more greenhairedkid) (bghk)  over 3 years ago

    Yknow, mr peirce, sry if I spelled wrong, some people don’t like these bc of countless reasons. I have a younger brother, and when she read big Nate to him, she always skips over that part bc she hates it so much. Also, people here are mothers, and would hate these too. Another reason, some of their parents died so their sensitive. I don’t like these yo mama jokes so I’m pull like for you to stop them.

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