Animals can get back at you in unexpected ways.Some kids some years ago thought they’d get some action out of a cat by dipping its tail in kerosene and setting it on fire!Kitty, instead of doing expected “fire dance” headed straight for the barn, full of loose straw and hay. Kids had to explain why the barn burned down.Disclaimer: I was NOT in on this – I just remember the old timers relating the story.
Had a dingo mix that LOVED water. Lakes, rivers, ditches…didn’t matter. If you turned on a hose, he wanted to be squirted with it. If you turned on a sprinkler he played in it until he was too tired to play and then would lay on top of it. Worse than a lttle kid.
pouncingtiger over 12 years ago
Quick, Farley! Shake your head! LOL
thomas.hviid.thorn over 12 years ago
@pouncingtiger: So right – some things you just gotta do!! :D
Bender_Sastre over 12 years ago
Like pushing a fully clothed woman off a dock.
psychlady over 12 years ago
Shake the water off on him!!
jeanie5448 over 12 years ago
where is Farley’s water? He should have fresh water outside as well as inside. Poor dog….but I agree, some things you just gotta do. lol
summerdog86 over 12 years ago
In answer to him in the last panel… you don’t, Mike.
lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago
That poor dog sure puts up with a lot!
sparky111 over 12 years ago
Wow i dont like him at all,…………
abbatis over 12 years ago
Those are the moments that I wish Farley would bite Michael with a thought balloon that reads, “Sorry kid, some things you just gotta do.”
astar15 over 12 years ago
Farley’s look in the fourth panel = God I’m gonna kill you….
sleeepy2 over 12 years ago
But when the little girl yelled “Kowabunga” at Farley last week, she was a budding serial killer, yet when Michael does this, it’s cute?
tuslog64 over 12 years ago
Animals can get back at you in unexpected ways.Some kids some years ago thought they’d get some action out of a cat by dipping its tail in kerosene and setting it on fire!Kitty, instead of doing expected “fire dance” headed straight for the barn, full of loose straw and hay. Kids had to explain why the barn burned down.Disclaimer: I was NOT in on this – I just remember the old timers relating the story.
iced tea over 12 years ago
John and Elly better warn Michael of animal cruelty. That poor dog is actually bullied.
fixer1967 over 12 years ago
Some one is going to find a nasty surprise in thier shoes in the morning. “Sorry kid, some things you just gotta do.”
boxbabies over 12 years ago
Had a dingo mix that LOVED water. Lakes, rivers, ditches…didn’t matter. If you turned on a hose, he wanted to be squirted with it. If you turned on a sprinkler he played in it until he was too tired to play and then would lay on top of it. Worse than a lttle kid.
lou_lou over 12 years ago
…it’s gonna be a loooong summer…
thisisretarded over 12 years ago
That boy needs therapy. He clearly enjoys tormenting animals based on the past few strips. That’s the first sign of sociopathy.