Pluggers by Rick McKee for May 18, 2012

  1. Kenny
    The Nihilist  almost 13 years ago

    Guilty as charged…

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  2. Stormdrainnodump
    pelican47  almost 13 years ago

    For many years after a car dealership in our town went defunct, it still showed “Lifetime Guarantee” on its marquee.

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    rmacprivate  almost 13 years ago

    I was wondering why I haven’t seen any new Crosleys, Packards, DeSotos, Studebakers, and Nashs, gasp I’m getting old!

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    rmacprivate  almost 13 years ago

    Oh and Hudsons too.

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    Jonni  almost 13 years ago

    My Dad’s car is so old and still running guy’s ask what it is………..and they wonder if he doesn’t really answer when he says Henry J… it’s a pet name or somethin’

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  6. Guitar
    kilioopu  almost 13 years ago

    Lots of plugger Humvee drivers out there?

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  7. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    During one car, the dealership changed ownership twice and then closed. Less than 10 years.

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  8. Old pictures saved 231
    otahans  almost 13 years ago

    Happened to me. Fox Ford in Pasadena CA. I still have theRanger pickup.

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    hippogriff  almost 13 years ago

    David42: Back in December 1980, the German news magazine Stern (star) published a chart showing how every “western” (including Asia) car company connected to every other, with coded lines showing whether is was by direct ownership, marketing agreements (we will sell your cars at our dealership if you will sell ours at yours), supplying part, or joint research and development operations. Since Fiat had Polish operations, I would suspect that the chart could well have continued through the Iron Curtain (still around at the time). Now class, is that oligopoly or monopoly?

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    isthereanybodyoutthere  almost 13 years ago

    In ObamAmerica every car owner will soon be a Plugger, at least a good portion of those who drive GM’s. A good portion of the open dealers were forced to close when the government and unions stiffed the bondholders and the United States of America’s taxpayers when taking over GM.

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  11. Beefmower20140720small
    wes tnt  almost 13 years ago

    Stay Diligent! Keep those (not) Clunkers on the road! I still think it is more wasteful to recycle an old car making it into a new one than keeping the old one running well! 78 buick 80 el camino 86 monte. Hooray for GM G-Bodies, all interchangeable parts!

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  12. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  almost 13 years ago

    Not a plugger today. The dealership where we bought our Honda 13 years ago is still in business.

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    SofaKing Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Avenue Chevrolet in Batavia, Il. had their franchise pulled in 2010, I own a 2007 Impala and a 2009 Cobalt. Same honest, friendly family owned it since 1930. There are a few shyster dealers around here who really needed to lose their dealership, no such luck.

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  14. Nelsandkaren
    NELS BALWIT Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Happened to me twice. The salesman moved from a Chevy dealer that closed to a Chrysler dealer, so I followed him, he was that good.

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    Chas60  almost 13 years ago


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  16. Comptyping
    RayThomas101  almost 13 years ago

    That’s happened to me several times.

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