A guy I worked with some years ago was telling me about a relative’s farm back east he used to visit where they took in a stray cat who showed up one day. After a couple of weeks, they noticed there were no more field mice around. Sometime later, the barn rats were gone, and some of the smaller kinds of birds. Larger birds and other rodents (moles, gophers) followed suit. In not too long, they were free of varmints up to a surprising size. He also swore that one time he was visiting and saw this cat apparently stalking a cow…
naturally_easy over 12 years ago
And they always have to drag it home to show it off to you,
tirnaaisling over 12 years ago
It’s worse when they bring them back alive!
Stephen Gilberg over 12 years ago
Ooh! Can you find a giant squid next time?
lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago
That’s more than I can bear.
tghllama over 12 years ago
A guy I worked with some years ago was telling me about a relative’s farm back east he used to visit where they took in a stray cat who showed up one day. After a couple of weeks, they noticed there were no more field mice around. Sometime later, the barn rats were gone, and some of the smaller kinds of birds. Larger birds and other rodents (moles, gophers) followed suit. In not too long, they were free of varmints up to a surprising size. He also swore that one time he was visiting and saw this cat apparently stalking a cow…
lancemay over 12 years ago
he he bar bar bar
FrostbiteFalls about 2 years ago
A bearer of good tidings?