Heart of the City by Steenz for June 13, 2012
Heart: I can't believe I'm sitting through this again... Heart:...it's the same movie! what's the deal with boys and seeing movies over and over!? Dean: It's just a theory, but I think they make the movie three times just to keep us looking for little differences. Heart: Oh.
samfran6-0 over 12 years ago
I remember back in the day when you could sit and watch the movie over and over again. I did that with "Goldfinger"and I did see things I missed.
blunebottle over 12 years ago
…and the movie “Clue” was made intentionally with several endings.
sjsczurek over 12 years ago
If they showed “Endless Love” today, I wonder how many girls would see it only once?
i_am_the_jam over 12 years ago
Heart, if you don’t like it, why are you in there with him??
cybergal29 over 12 years ago
That was not a ghost. It was a cutout of one of the actors when they were a kid. I think it was Ted Danson.
praetorian1313 over 12 years ago
Obviously girls never watch movies over and over again. Thus my wife seeing “Chocolate’” like 70 times or my daughter watching “Titanic” and the “Notebook” tot he point of being able to quote whole passages would never happen!
thisisretarded over 12 years ago
You’re cute, darling. Whiny, but cute.
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
This is pretty accurate to all the nerd hype around these marvel movies.