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3-Day PerspectiveSo, over the past three days, what was the positive outcome of the “statistics” that I posted on Saturday about Calvin and Hobbes commenters?From responses to that posting, we learned that there are at least six young people currently commenting on this site, and they found out about each other.When Kab Buch replied to make a comment on the statistics, we learned her inspiring story of overcoming great odds, in spite of not having had books at home when she was young, and in spite of not having been able to see the board in elementary school. Several people congratulated her on her recent academic accomplishments and offered encouragement for her continuing studies.As a result of Kab posting her story, we also learned that Wiseguy411 had overcome a similar vision problem in grade 6, eventually going on to earn multiple university degrees.And, the statistics led to some humorous exchanges between commenters.
Editorial CommentThis comments page serves multiple purposes. Yes, it provides a means to comment on a particular day’s Calvin and Hobbes, to sometimes clarify the meaning or point out the details, and to make clever jokes about the strip. But it also provides a valuable way to connect people on a deeper level, all of whom have something in common, because we all enjoy humor and we especially enjoy reading Calvin and Hobbes.Statistics, in and of themselves, are of great interest to some people, but others find them to be boring or irrelevant. However, the statistics that I posted on Saturday were not intended to be an end in themselves, but a means to an end, helping to connect people.Comic strips and other forms of humor can provide a lot of enjoyment in life, but they are of little value if they are never shared with others in the context of our own lives. It is connecting with others as human beings that brings us true pleasure in life, together with a greater enjoyment of humor.
One of my students (age 30) brought me some new-generation “comic books.” Boy things have changed—the artwork is fantastic but the subjects are much, much darker. But then the best-drawn ones are definitely not for children.She was complaining that some of her favourites are hand-drawn but then “computer enhanced.”
@HOBBES: I usually log in early and therefore miss a lot of the later comments. After your comment today I went back and read kab Buch’s comment. I remember, when I first began reading GoComics, there was a discussion among some commenters about whether Kab Buch was from a non-English speaking country because of her syntax (I think). Over time I noticed that her (I guess it’s “her”) has improved her syntax greatly and is very insightful in her comments.
I used to love Captain Steroid as a kid. He was the only superhero grounded in reality. Not like some of the snooze inducers you see in the theaters today.
I bet mom is wondering about the mental stability of Calvin right now after being told that the stuffed tiger ruins his violent comic books by giving away the plot . . . Oh mom, it’s a good thing this was before we medicated our children for everything or we’d never have these quirky stories to read. ;)
@ Hobbes – I like your comments . . . they help build a community here.
@The Snoopster: Love those statistics. But give it until the end of the day. Maybe we can break the all-time record and hit 1,000 comments today, if you and I write 900 of them.
Actually, in recent days the number of comments has been very high. In the past, 50 to 75 comments per day has been typical.
Mom, don’t forget to turn the pages with tongs, keep them in the Mylar bag, and try not to exhale too much moisture. Don’t mess it up! (a line from another—earlier I think—C&H strip) Remember, every Captain Steroid comic book is No. 1. It’s a collector’s item!!!!! :P
Thanks bluskies. By the way, today’s posting was not intended for rogue53, who I agree will never change his views. It was only intended for those who are open to discussion, such as leagleagle48 and demtrug. I was responding to their comments from Saturday, to point out the value of posting the statistics. leagleagle48 wrote that the statistics were irrelevant and boring to read, and demtrug wrote, “Is there a purpose to all the numbers?”Regarding attackers with ongoing, repeated behavior, while it is true that one should not “feed” them by responding to everything they say, it is not true that they should never go unchallenged. The same is true with bullies on the playground, and it is important for the adults on this site to model this for the young people who are also posting here.
If the Abrahamic Religions taught that sex and the human body were bad, it would be awfully hard for them to propagate, as having children would be against those religions. The teaching is that sex and the human body are sacred and not to be abused. Pornography is taught to be bad because it cheapens sex, not because it sanctions it.
Let’s all sacrifice our children to the Canaanite idols (or an unreasonable facsimile). In effect, we already have been doing it with 50 million abortions in the good old US of A since 1973. The “Abrahamic Religions” must be responsible!
@Linda Dean: Really glad you like the strip. This is a great group of people who have a great sense of humor, and every day is different. Thanks for adding your “3-day perspective.”
“Captain Steroid is getting his kidneys punched out with an I-Beam!”Surely he is an ex-baseball player! He got hit with a ’beam’ball!And he got punched (struck) out!
“…we are taught that sex and the human body are worse than savage violence. (I blame the Abrahamic Religions.)”So, is your disdain for religion predicated on its awful record of involvement in politics and war? No sarcasm here (because you would be right); just an attempt to understand what motivates some of your attitudes.
@ Hobbes, too.When I read Hobbes’ comment this morning, I got that same sinking feeling that you were congratulating yourself a bit too much, Hobbesy-Baby. Normally, I enjoy your comments and have even grown to like the other comic strips you post (at first, thought that was to show off your encyclopedic knowledge, but now just take them as you doing what you do best and appreciating them for what they are).One of the problems with today’s comment is that it went too far. I’m not deliberately calling anyone a liar, but you (and the young readers need to know this) can never know for sure that the story you are hearing is the truth. Lots of people masquerade on the Internet and spin yarns to deceive. How many of these stories we heard the last few days can be verified? Probably none of them. If some were not true, then the connections you claim to have instigated are wisps of air, perhaps dangerous air.@rogue53: You however are almost always antagonistic, disrespectful, and paranoid. You come onto this comment site to put Hobbes and all of us down. Even your throw-away adverbs reveal someone who thinks all others are stupid. You need help, and there is no “wink, wink” being provided. At least learn to respect your fellow human and their opinions and be helpful and encouraging.So many of us come here with our opinions out of nothing more than hubris, myself included.Why don’t you two just agree that you are probably very nice chaps in person and simply misunderstand each other? That would mitigate the snarkiness. Peace….out!
@Vonne Anton: I appreciate your honest and balanced input. One of the benefits of online communication is that it helps all of us to better understand how our words themselves come across to others, apart from our vocal inflections, facial expressions, and other body language. People do not always interpret our words in the way in which we intend them, and that is certainly the case today.On the other hand, I don’t share your level of concern about everyone here being a possible liar. If I did, I wouldn’t spend time here. Human relationships, whether in person or online, cannot function without a certain level of trust, and this site is no exception. Regardless of the anonymity here, most of us have the ability to tell a lot about other posters based on what they write, and to decide how much we want to trust each one. Occasionally there will be an imposter and we will be deceived, but I believe that in this group the imposters are the rare exception and not the rule. I say this based on having read a very large number of comments by the people here, over a long time frame.I hope that you are interpreting this reply in the way in which I intended it, and I apologize for calling you “honest” when I can’t be sure that you aren’t just making up a bunch of things that you don’t really believe. (Just kidding.)Anyway, I have appreciated your thoughtful postings over the past few months.
Holding on to hate, anger and bitterness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die!!!!! Don’t you ever get tired of that??? Seems like a pretty unpleasant way to live.Stuff like this is why my friend lightenup won’t allow her young daughter to come here. No matter how great and classic the comic and how funny and insightful the majority of the comments may be, some of the unkind, unpleasant words hurled here at other commenters can be down-right brutal sometimes!!!!!:-(
You’re exactly right in saying that none of us can know each other through and through just because we all comment on the same page. However, this does not mean the same sort of etiquette and respect one would use with those one is talking to face-to-face should not be put into effect anyway. By claiming that Hobbes posted those stats hoping to boost his ego is a personal attack on him, and therefore unacceptable. I, for one, found his post from three days ago fascinating, but even if I didn’t, a lack of interest in another user’s comment is no excuse to degrade that person. Through Hobbes’ latest comment I gathered, not that he was trying to inflate or promote himself in any way, but that in self-defense against people like you he revealed the ways in which his stats positively impacted us users. I do, however, respect your ability to assert yourself, and no, I don’t see you as “a sad, lonely individual with a terrible home life,” because (case in point) I don’t know you. Blessings. <3
It’s something you would expect to be perfect for kids, but it includes things like an Arbok being sliced in half and a news article about someone who took a bath with their Tentacool.
Even with the usual english dub editing, it can get into the “Not for children” area.
In the Abrahamic Religions it is believed that God created sex as a beautiful intercourse for married couples who love each other. It is merely premarital sex, prostitution, and sex when it is committed only to obtain the physical “high” it results in that is believed to be immoral. As bizaker has so eloquently stated, there is no good reason our children should not be aware of sexual intercourse since it is how we were all made. We animals would not have been granted the ability to create offspring if we weren’t meant to reproduce.
Stereotyping religious people as “elite assholes,” judging the many by the few, is uncivil and uncalled for. Why has it become so common for people with strong moral values to be seen as elitists? I enjoyed your comment, though. When I was about eight, my mom brought me back a Calvin and Hobbes book from the library, and I’ve been in love ever since. :)
Just occurred to me: we (I) have gone WAY OFF the comic strip today! Sorry folks, me got carried away and away and away….(fade into distance, echoing)
I’ve always felt that those who use religion to abuse others would find a different vehicle for their power mongering if everyone abandoned religion. Like nationality, gender, race, politics, economics . . whatever. It is a sad fact that religion has been used to such violent extremes (still is and will be in the future too), but I feel like blaming religion is almost a danger in itself . . . it masks the real culprit: the dark side of human nature.
Who you callin’ an “adult”?!?!?! We are all quite proud of the fact that we are three years old…or less…stay tuned as the figure continues to drop.
Assuming souls exist, I would rather protect them than the body, since the body dies and the soul does not. That said, it is important to understand that Christian and other Abrahamic views on chastity are actually intended to protect the sanctity of the body, which Christians consider a temple of God. Treating the body as nothing more than a pleasure vehicle, or objectifying women, cheapens the body as well as the soul.
I don’t disapprove of sex ed that promotes abstinence.I disapprove of distributing condoms to 12 year old kids in the public schools in the name of “safe sex”. That’s in the same category with distributing clean needles to drug addicts. Since it’s against the law to use narcotic drugs (in general), distributing clean needles is aiding and abetting the drug abuser to break the law. There are all kinds of professing Christians in the world. Christianity does not depend on Christians for its validity. It depends on Christ. As the Apostle Paul said, “Follow me as I follow Christ”! Only Christ is without sin. The sincere Christian seeks to become like Christ and ultimately will become like Christ when he returns.The whole theme of the Bible is Love. “God is love.” Love is the composite of all that is good in this world and the entire universe.
Congratulations on doing what you did for the homeless! It takes a special person to get out in the community that way. As for the other business, you’ve raised some good points. It just gets on my nerves when people judge the many by the few, and not just when it comes to religion. If I offended you or your beliefs in any way, I beg your pardon. Blessings and please forgive. <3
You’ve missed my point completely. I said that religion is an idea, and one cannot blame violence and corruption on an idea. People are people, and people are flawed. Period.
This is exactly like my brother; he wants to read the Sunday newspaper comics before anyone else does, and he’ll spoil the punchlines by saying or describing them out loud. “I already read ’em. And in Garfield, everyone was taking pictures of their meals while Garfield took a picture of the refrigerator!” (Coincidentally, this C&H strip originally ran on his second birthday!)
pouncingtiger over 12 years ago
1) Captain Steroid’s alter-ego is a baseball player. 2) How did Calvin get such a violent imagination?
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
Mom’s don’t understand comic books.
Donriess over 12 years ago
Moms don’t understand baseball cards either. I remember as a boy my mom throwing out my baseball card collection….still remember….
Linux0s over 12 years ago
No more Captain Steroid for you.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
3-Day PerspectiveSo, over the past three days, what was the positive outcome of the “statistics” that I posted on Saturday about Calvin and Hobbes commenters?From responses to that posting, we learned that there are at least six young people currently commenting on this site, and they found out about each other.When Kab Buch replied to make a comment on the statistics, we learned her inspiring story of overcoming great odds, in spite of not having had books at home when she was young, and in spite of not having been able to see the board in elementary school. Several people congratulated her on her recent academic accomplishments and offered encouragement for her continuing studies.As a result of Kab posting her story, we also learned that Wiseguy411 had overcome a similar vision problem in grade 6, eventually going on to earn multiple university degrees.And, the statistics led to some humorous exchanges between commenters.
Editorial CommentThis comments page serves multiple purposes. Yes, it provides a means to comment on a particular day’s Calvin and Hobbes, to sometimes clarify the meaning or point out the details, and to make clever jokes about the strip. But it also provides a valuable way to connect people on a deeper level, all of whom have something in common, because we all enjoy humor and we especially enjoy reading Calvin and Hobbes.Statistics, in and of themselves, are of great interest to some people, but others find them to be boring or irrelevant. However, the statistics that I posted on Saturday were not intended to be an end in themselves, but a means to an end, helping to connect people.Comic strips and other forms of humor can provide a lot of enjoyment in life, but they are of little value if they are never shared with others in the context of our own lives. It is connecting with others as human beings that brings us true pleasure in life, together with a greater enjoyment of humor.King_Shark over 12 years ago
Did Captain Steroid go into a ’roid rage after having his kidneys punched out? Discuss.
King_Shark over 12 years ago
Good Morning, MagicFan. welcome back.
Sandy Shore over 12 years ago
Poor Calvin. It’s as bad as when someone fills in a clue on your crossword before you’ve even read it. I can’t stand that. Naughty Hobbes.
orinoco womble over 12 years ago
One of my students (age 30) brought me some new-generation “comic books.” Boy things have changed—the artwork is fantastic but the subjects are much, much darker. But then the best-drawn ones are definitely not for children.She was complaining that some of her favourites are hand-drawn but then “computer enhanced.”
arye uygur over 12 years ago
@HOBBES: I usually log in early and therefore miss a lot of the later comments. After your comment today I went back and read kab Buch’s comment. I remember, when I first began reading GoComics, there was a discussion among some commenters about whether Kab Buch was from a non-English speaking country because of her syntax (I think). Over time I noticed that her (I guess it’s “her”) has improved her syntax greatly and is very insightful in her comments.
thirdguy over 12 years ago
Calvin learned an important lesson today. There are some things that you don’t complain to Mom about.
ChrissyT over 12 years ago
Busted, Calvin.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
Mom wants to solve that problem for you, Calvin. Give her the comic book.
rpmurray over 12 years ago
I used to love Captain Steroid as a kid. He was the only superhero grounded in reality. Not like some of the snooze inducers you see in the theaters today.
battle of plattsburgh over 12 years ago
Forget Capt. Steroid, we all know that Major Courage is the greatest super hero.
MoonlitKnight Premium Member over 12 years ago
He’s a superhero. He used his baseball bat to staunch the bleeding right then and there. I read the next issue.
BluePumpkin over 12 years ago
I bet mom is wondering about the mental stability of Calvin right now after being told that the stuffed tiger ruins his violent comic books by giving away the plot . . . Oh mom, it’s a good thing this was before we medicated our children for everything or we’d never have these quirky stories to read. ;)
@ Hobbes – I like your comments . . . they help build a community here.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@The Snoopster: Love those statistics. But give it until the end of the day. Maybe we can break the all-time record and hit 1,000 comments today, if you and I write 900 of them.
Actually, in recent days the number of comments has been very high. In the past, 50 to 75 comments per day has been typical.
PoodleGroomer over 12 years ago
Calvin, have Mom explain the feminine hygiene, surveys and relationship enhancement articles in her magazines. You will get any comic you want.
CrazyIrishOperaGirl over 12 years ago
Mom, don’t forget to turn the pages with tongs, keep them in the Mylar bag, and try not to exhale too much moisture. Don’t mess it up! (a line from another—earlier I think—C&H strip) Remember, every Captain Steroid comic book is No. 1. It’s a collector’s item!!!!! :P
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Thanks bluskies. By the way, today’s posting was not intended for rogue53, who I agree will never change his views. It was only intended for those who are open to discussion, such as leagleagle48 and demtrug. I was responding to their comments from Saturday, to point out the value of posting the statistics. leagleagle48 wrote that the statistics were irrelevant and boring to read, and demtrug wrote, “Is there a purpose to all the numbers?”Regarding attackers with ongoing, repeated behavior, while it is true that one should not “feed” them by responding to everything they say, it is not true that they should never go unchallenged. The same is true with bullies on the playground, and it is important for the adults on this site to model this for the young people who are also posting here.
bizaker over 12 years ago
If the Abrahamic Religions taught that sex and the human body were bad, it would be awfully hard for them to propagate, as having children would be against those religions. The teaching is that sex and the human body are sacred and not to be abused. Pornography is taught to be bad because it cheapens sex, not because it sanctions it.
And now, back to Calvin and Hobbes…
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
Let’s all sacrifice our children to the Canaanite idols (or an unreasonable facsimile). In effect, we already have been doing it with 50 million abortions in the good old US of A since 1973. The “Abrahamic Religions” must be responsible!
Sandy Shore over 12 years ago
This all getting a little heavy for a Calvin & Hobbes strip, no?
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Linda Dean: Really glad you like the strip. This is a great group of people who have a great sense of humor, and every day is different. Thanks for adding your “3-day perspective.”
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
“Captain Steroid is getting his kidneys punched out with an I-Beam!”Surely he is an ex-baseball player! He got hit with a ’beam’ball!And he got punched (struck) out!
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
Toss Hobbes into the washing machine, and then run him through the wringer (ringer), Mom!
Vonne Anton over 12 years ago
You’re right Calvin…she’ll read all the blood and violence right off the page!
Vonne Anton over 12 years ago
“…we are taught that sex and the human body are worse than savage violence. (I blame the Abrahamic Religions.)”So, is your disdain for religion predicated on its awful record of involvement in politics and war? No sarcasm here (because you would be right); just an attempt to understand what motivates some of your attitudes.
Vonne Anton over 12 years ago
@ Hobbes, too.When I read Hobbes’ comment this morning, I got that same sinking feeling that you were congratulating yourself a bit too much, Hobbesy-Baby. Normally, I enjoy your comments and have even grown to like the other comic strips you post (at first, thought that was to show off your encyclopedic knowledge, but now just take them as you doing what you do best and appreciating them for what they are).One of the problems with today’s comment is that it went too far. I’m not deliberately calling anyone a liar, but you (and the young readers need to know this) can never know for sure that the story you are hearing is the truth. Lots of people masquerade on the Internet and spin yarns to deceive. How many of these stories we heard the last few days can be verified? Probably none of them. If some were not true, then the connections you claim to have instigated are wisps of air, perhaps dangerous air.@rogue53: You however are almost always antagonistic, disrespectful, and paranoid. You come onto this comment site to put Hobbes and all of us down. Even your throw-away adverbs reveal someone who thinks all others are stupid. You need help, and there is no “wink, wink” being provided. At least learn to respect your fellow human and their opinions and be helpful and encouraging.So many of us come here with our opinions out of nothing more than hubris, myself included.Why don’t you two just agree that you are probably very nice chaps in person and simply misunderstand each other? That would mitigate the snarkiness. Peace….out!
MysteryCat over 12 years ago
I guess Mom thought he was reading Archie comics.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Vonne Anton: I appreciate your honest and balanced input. One of the benefits of online communication is that it helps all of us to better understand how our words themselves come across to others, apart from our vocal inflections, facial expressions, and other body language. People do not always interpret our words in the way in which we intend them, and that is certainly the case today.On the other hand, I don’t share your level of concern about everyone here being a possible liar. If I did, I wouldn’t spend time here. Human relationships, whether in person or online, cannot function without a certain level of trust, and this site is no exception. Regardless of the anonymity here, most of us have the ability to tell a lot about other posters based on what they write, and to decide how much we want to trust each one. Occasionally there will be an imposter and we will be deceived, but I believe that in this group the imposters are the rare exception and not the rule. I say this based on having read a very large number of comments by the people here, over a long time frame.I hope that you are interpreting this reply in the way in which I intended it, and I apologize for calling you “honest” when I can’t be sure that you aren’t just making up a bunch of things that you don’t really believe. (Just kidding.)Anyway, I have appreciated your thoughtful postings over the past few months.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Vonne Anton: Here’s one for you. (I didn’t remember this one, but I found it through my database.)Click here: Peanuts (February 8, 1958)
quartermain over 12 years ago
If a comic is in black and white, does that mean it’s off color? LOL
Comicseater over 12 years ago
yeah, what hobbes said: wait till later
Gretchen's Mom over 12 years ago
Holding on to hate, anger and bitterness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die!!!!! Don’t you ever get tired of that??? Seems like a pretty unpleasant way to live.Stuff like this is why my friend lightenup won’t allow her young daughter to come here. No matter how great and classic the comic and how funny and insightful the majority of the comments may be, some of the unkind, unpleasant words hurled here at other commenters can be down-right brutal sometimes!!!!!:-(
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Hey Comicseater: Welcome to GoComics. I see that you joined today.
CrazyIrishOperaGirl over 12 years ago
You’re exactly right in saying that none of us can know each other through and through just because we all comment on the same page. However, this does not mean the same sort of etiquette and respect one would use with those one is talking to face-to-face should not be put into effect anyway. By claiming that Hobbes posted those stats hoping to boost his ego is a personal attack on him, and therefore unacceptable. I, for one, found his post from three days ago fascinating, but even if I didn’t, a lack of interest in another user’s comment is no excuse to degrade that person. Through Hobbes’ latest comment I gathered, not that he was trying to inflate or promote himself in any way, but that in self-defense against people like you he revealed the ways in which his stats positively impacted us users. I do, however, respect your ability to assert yourself, and no, I don’t see you as “a sad, lonely individual with a terrible home life,” because (case in point) I don’t know you. Blessings. <3
josh_bisbee over 12 years ago
Take Pokemon Adventures.
It’s something you would expect to be perfect for kids, but it includes things like an Arbok being sliced in half and a news article about someone who took a bath with their Tentacool.
Even with the usual english dub editing, it can get into the “Not for children” area.
artybee over 12 years ago
Mom didn’t let me buy those comics either. Had to read them at the barber shop.
CrazyIrishOperaGirl over 12 years ago
In the Abrahamic Religions it is believed that God created sex as a beautiful intercourse for married couples who love each other. It is merely premarital sex, prostitution, and sex when it is committed only to obtain the physical “high” it results in that is believed to be immoral. As bizaker has so eloquently stated, there is no good reason our children should not be aware of sexual intercourse since it is how we were all made. We animals would not have been granted the ability to create offspring if we weren’t meant to reproduce.
CrazyIrishOperaGirl over 12 years ago
Stereotyping religious people as “elite assholes,” judging the many by the few, is uncivil and uncalled for. Why has it become so common for people with strong moral values to be seen as elitists? I enjoyed your comment, though. When I was about eight, my mom brought me back a Calvin and Hobbes book from the library, and I’ve been in love ever since. :)
calvinsfriend110 over 12 years ago
Tv is too violent too.
cookies333 over 12 years ago
Poor Calvin! He’ll have to start hiding his comic books from both of them!
cookies333 over 12 years ago
Who’s seven years old? That is young!
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@dahawk: How about this: Here is a comment about your comment about my comment about statistics.
Vonne Anton over 12 years ago
Just occurred to me: we (I) have gone WAY OFF the comic strip today! Sorry folks, me got carried away and away and away….(fade into distance, echoing)
BluePumpkin over 12 years ago
I’ve always felt that those who use religion to abuse others would find a different vehicle for their power mongering if everyone abandoned religion. Like nationality, gender, race, politics, economics . . whatever. It is a sad fact that religion has been used to such violent extremes (still is and will be in the future too), but I feel like blaming religion is almost a danger in itself . . . it masks the real culprit: the dark side of human nature.
Karaboo2 over 12 years ago
WOW. What an education I’m getting today. Stats, sex, religion, drugs, I love it. But please remember there are children present.
Sandy Shore over 12 years ago
I’m only 4!HahaJust kidding. I’m 4 & a half.
ratlum over 12 years ago
Every body wants to read a good comic book first.
Vonne Anton over 12 years ago
Who you callin’ an “adult”?!?!?! We are all quite proud of the fact that we are three years old…or less…stay tuned as the figure continues to drop.
bizaker over 12 years ago
Assuming souls exist, I would rather protect them than the body, since the body dies and the soul does not. That said, it is important to understand that Christian and other Abrahamic views on chastity are actually intended to protect the sanctity of the body, which Christians consider a temple of God. Treating the body as nothing more than a pleasure vehicle, or objectifying women, cheapens the body as well as the soul.
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
I don’t disapprove of sex ed that promotes abstinence.I disapprove of distributing condoms to 12 year old kids in the public schools in the name of “safe sex”. That’s in the same category with distributing clean needles to drug addicts. Since it’s against the law to use narcotic drugs (in general), distributing clean needles is aiding and abetting the drug abuser to break the law. There are all kinds of professing Christians in the world. Christianity does not depend on Christians for its validity. It depends on Christ. As the Apostle Paul said, “Follow me as I follow Christ”! Only Christ is without sin. The sincere Christian seeks to become like Christ and ultimately will become like Christ when he returns.The whole theme of the Bible is Love. “God is love.” Love is the composite of all that is good in this world and the entire universe.
CrazyIrishOperaGirl over 12 years ago
Congratulations on doing what you did for the homeless! It takes a special person to get out in the community that way. As for the other business, you’ve raised some good points. It just gets on my nerves when people judge the many by the few, and not just when it comes to religion. If I offended you or your beliefs in any way, I beg your pardon. Blessings and please forgive. <3
CrazyIrishOperaGirl over 12 years ago
You’ve missed my point completely. I said that religion is an idea, and one cannot blame violence and corruption on an idea. People are people, and people are flawed. Period.
DanWolfie almost 8 years ago
This is exactly like my brother; he wants to read the Sunday newspaper comics before anyone else does, and he’ll spoil the punchlines by saying or describing them out loud. “I already read ’em. And in Garfield, everyone was taking pictures of their meals while Garfield took a picture of the refrigerator!” (Coincidentally, this C&H strip originally ran on his second birthday!)