Endtown by Aaron Neathery for July 26, 2012

  1. Rori poster
    SapphireDragonStudios  over 12 years ago

    LOL Aaron Marx, that is exactly what I would do if I suddenly found myself in Endtown – gawk and snuggle all the cuddly little animal people—much to their chagrin, I’m sure.

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    Bill Thompson  over 12 years ago

    Maybe Aaron Marx was a cat who got transformed into a human. That would explain why he enjoys playing with small animals and annoying other cats.

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    Jerry Beck Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Only thing I wonder, who gets the brain in Petey’s cooler. Well, that’s not the only thing, but it will be interesting to see. Don’t suppose that someone who was blasted out of a window might need one?

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    BruceBergman  over 12 years ago

    Yeah, it’s most likely Endtown – they all probably showed up in a newly dug & populated side tunnel or cavern, not the huge main cavern like before.

    Problem is, now that A.M. got them to a "where* on the planet, the question now becomes /when/ are they?

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    Steve Bartholomew  over 12 years ago

    If people get mutated to animals, what do animals get mutated to???

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    Level_Head  over 12 years ago

    A set of repurposed song lyrics aroseTo the front of my mind as I saw today’s workEd Ames, though is way too obscure, I supposeAnd rewriting his songs might make me seem a jerkSo I’ll rattle off this little note here insteadWhile the fun-seeking Aaron in dapper apparelLets fur-covered citizens go to his headWhile laughing at rats, staring down each small barrel=|====/ Level HeadVote for Endtown 2.0And for Doc Rat, tooThe Endtown Forum

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    pam Miner  over 12 years ago

    I would react almost like Marx in a more subdued fashion I wish they are at all likely to cuddle, I love the rats too bad they aren’ t Cuddly. My real rats were, they liked to ride around on my shoulder or in the pocket of a hoody!

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    Peabody-Martini  over 12 years ago

    Sorry Marx, this is not a Disney ride.

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  9. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Look out! He’s got a tiny gun!(EMR joke.)

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  10. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member over 12 years ago

    A squirrel in a hat. What’s not to like?Linda seems aghast. Behind all the fun of this is the real shock and disgust she is feeling. She thrown into the middle of a group of living beings that she has been brought up to hate as subhuman, revolting and a threat to the existence of the human race, and now finds it’s the only place she’ll be allowed to fit. She has to decide whether to live in that neighbourhood or kill herself. It’s funny to see the expression on her face. I can also feel for her human tragedy, as she’s ready to submit to death.

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    Jenner Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Taking on board the lesson of when Al and Gustine returned from their excursion empty-handed, I hope Petey has been filming the whole mission. Without evidence, it’ll be very hard to convince the authorities of what really went on. Of course, this time they don’t have to deal with a sceptical Captain Flask.

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  12. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Elmyra has a brother?

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    Francis362003  over 12 years ago

    I don’t think he should of done that.

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    The Eclexian Premium Member over 12 years ago

    …and Holly, still in her waitress uniform. I love it!

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  15. Tamandua walkies
    crookedwolf Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Those rats are just a buncha squeaky toys to Marx :-)

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    JanBic Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Flask was saved from hitting the ground so possibly Marx can bring her back from Limbo to explain to rat security what is going on.This is not a side tunnel of Endtown. The streets are wide enough for cars and we see taller buildings in today’s panels. The houses are a little different because we e on a street we have not seen before. The ceiling looks low from our perspective because the lights are very, very, very large.Vote for Endtown 2.0Vote for Doc Rat Associate member-Consortium to get Aaron a Tablet.

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  17. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  over 12 years ago

    rats with little guns! Mr. Neathery – you’re brilliant!

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  18. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  over 12 years ago

    Marx holding his new friends reminded me of:

    Hugo the Abominable Snowman: Just what I always wanted. My own little bunny rabbit. I will name him George, and I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him…Daffy Duck: I’m not a bunny rabbit…Hugo the Abominable Snowman: …and pat him and pet him and…Daffy Duck: You’re hurting me. Put me down, please.Hugo the Abominable Snowman: …and rub him and caress him and…Daffy Duck: [shouts] I ain’t no bunny rabbit!

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    finder10030  over 12 years ago

    Nice to see Holly all bright-eyed and happy again. But tomorrow IS Friday, let’s see what that brings.

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  20. Idano
    Ida No  over 12 years ago

    Links:Endtown Artwork AuctionEndtown books on AmazonEndtown T-shirts on Cafe Press

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    finder10030  over 12 years ago

    It’s a good time to go vote. We’re not far from #30. All we need is a little push.

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  22. Gocomic 2c
    RickD Premium Member over 12 years ago

    re: insectoids… There’s been at least one sentient arthropod since Endtown begins. The crab that saved them from drowning. So…there are probably insects. I have a personal theory that what people change into is similar to their “spirit animal” or even closer—the “demons” in the Philip Pullman books that are gained with puberty. If unconcious this can be expressed in the change. If conscious this spirit can’t manifest because of distraction. It’s a sort of id manifestation. IMO.

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  23. Idano
    Ida No  over 12 years ago

    “How would Petey know it’s Endtown? He’s never been there.”He’s been living there for several months, ever since Mallard put him in the #3 body and Flask brought him back with her to meet up again with Al and Gustine. Because he’s been living in the security zone with Flask, he can recognize the rats on sight.————————Many have tried to kill Matt Appleyard! And many, if not all, have failed! Failed, I tell you!

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago

    oh, rats!

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    Storm F-1/4  over 12 years ago

    Okay they have been back like three minutes and already I want someone to kill the rats.

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    relwod  over 12 years ago

    Love the zoom and the facial expressions too!

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    Stephen Gilberg  over 12 years ago

    “Oh, for cute!” Aaron is a Buffy fan?

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    finder10030  over 12 years ago

    If half a dozen rats with ballistic weapons think they can harm or intimidate our trickster……well, they just don’t know our Aaron Marx, do they? No need for hostages here. Besides, the rats could just shoot him in the knees (if that was even possible).

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    Lawrence Stetz Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Reminds me of if Doctor Who invaded the Muppet Village.

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  over 12 years ago

    Knowing Aaron Marx, he’ll disarm the rats by turning their little guns into dittos.

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    Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Marx is acting like a fanboy who finds himself in his favorite comic strip.That may be exactly what he is.It’s been hinted that Marx isn’t from this world, and if that’s true, then Endtown may be a work of fiction to him. He may be able to travel to worlds that fit his criteria, or resemble what he recognizes, and he recognizes Endtown. It doesn’t seem like he expected it, though, so he may not have come to this world intentionally.While Endtown may resemble the fictional Endtown Marx knows, I’m sure there are going to be differences, like there are differences between books and comics and movie adaptations. From our viewpoint, Aaron Neathery is showing a humorous adaptation of a more realistic world, taking liberties with physics and situations that aren’t really happening in the source world, but adapted for comic effect. That would explain inconsistencies that are no longer canon, like Cooper’s head falling off. (Aaron confirmed at Anthrocon that it didn’t really happen.) Whatever Endtown was like from Marx’s viewpoint, he may find the reality is not what he expected from the adaptation.

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  32. Gocomic 2c
    RickD Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Oscar the crab, although crustacean and not insect…appears april 7-8 2011, and again june 23-24 2011. Oscar’s one of the early Endtown characters that Wally met. I liked Allie from then. But I have a fondness for her species (as AN may recall).

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    RHJunior  over 12 years ago

    Okay, the dude’s gone completely God-mode Sue. you’re gonna have to SPLAIN how he’s so insanely powerful, or you’re gonna lose the audience. Please, God, don’t let it be “he’s the author of the comic strip inside his own creation.”

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  34. Catdreaming
    Wendy Emlinger  over 5 years ago

    Oh, he is so like Trelayne. Purely childlike.

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