Pat Oliphant for June 28, 2012

  1. Missing large
    JamesMcW  about 12 years ago

    Right on the money, Pat!

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  2. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 12 years ago

    I guess all those “advances” to which Mr. Oliphant refers is code for “Ways to transfer wealth from the industrious to the voting indolent”.

    I don’t think I’m alone in saying I am sick and tired of Democrats demonizing self reliance and independence. Every time I turn around there is an Obama, A Pelosi, or a Harry Reid expounding on the merits of Government playing Robin because somehow I am in debt to complete strangers for their: Food, Housing, Medical care, … fill in the blank.

    Anything will be better then Obama and Mr. Romney has shown himself to be a smart capabable man. All Mr. Obama has acomplished is to sew is class warfare.

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 12 years ago

    You mean Romney is not going to pick Donald Trump?Dang! Maybe Sarah Palin? Rick Santorum? Rick Perry?

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  4. Missing large
    meetinthemiddle  about 12 years ago

    The dog thing has really been beat to death; give it a rest already.

    As someone who had the “blessing” of Romney as governor, I can say there are lots of people worse than Obama.

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  5. Queru 2
    lisapaloma13  about 12 years ago

    The last 70 or 80 years? Reagan started undermining them in the 80s and it’s been a war of attrition ever since. There’s not much left of those advances now.

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  6. Shark vs swimmer stencil copy
    SwimsWithSharks  about 12 years ago

    Polls say his approval rating is lower than G W Bush’s. Yow.

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  7. 71 blk
    trimguy  about 12 years ago

    Typical Tea Bagger reasoning: Bush f***ed us, blame FDR.

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  8. Da avatar spring
    thegreatack  about 12 years ago

    “Sew”?! The people who want English as our official language can’t speak it…

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  9. New avatar
    MurphyHerself  about 12 years ago

    A town not far from here had a nice manufacturing company that hired a fair amount of people. Bain Capital bought it out and fired 300 people, moving those jobs overseas. Guess who made lots of money in the deal and guess who suffered the consequences? Yet these idiot people will turn around and vote for Romney because “it’s how we always vote, for the Republicans”. Astounding how we vote against our own best interest. Obama let us down, but Romney is worse by a long shot.

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  10. 23878 slide
    tcity  about 12 years ago

    rightisright said, 12 minutes agoOriginally there were two dogs in this toon….until Lord Ears got hungry.-Real classy, rightisright, reeeealy classy.

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  11. Missing large
    joe vignone  about 12 years ago

    Everyone remember what the last “business man” did to us?

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  12. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 12 years ago

    You Can’t Buy a Vote With a Vote (sung to the tune of “You Can’t Get a Man With a Gun” from the musical “Annie Get Your Gun”)

    The Supreme Court decided that a bribe can be niceOnly IF it’s a corporate bribeThey attack with their PACs and other such-like viceBut I don’t belong to that tribe

    I don’t have the moneyTo buy polit’cal honeyOr give Congress my shirt and coatMy bribing funds are lackingFrom pollution I am hackingOh, you can’t buy a vote with a vote

    Without enormous bank loanNo candidate shall I ownSo he can my burdens toteCorporations don’t borrowThey buy (much to our sorrow)Oh, you can’t buy a vote with a vote

    With a vo-ote, with a vo-oteOh, you can’t buy a vote with a vote

    A PAC’s love is epicThough it makes me feel dyspepticAnd it gets both my sheep and goatMy resources for bribingAre rapidly subsidingOh, you can’t buy a vote with a vote

    They’ll spend a few U.S. mintsOn TV advertisementsEach attack we will learn by roteBut in my dejectionI’ll sit OUT this election“Cause no power can I wieldIn this uneven playing fieldNo, you can’t buy a vote with a vote

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  13. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 12 years ago

    “Government doesn’t create jobs.”“Elect me and I’ll create jobs.”I can’t wait for the debates…

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  14. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Yep it’s a tax penalty. Just like they penalize all of us single guys that don’t have children.I have to pay more in taxes than someone with the same income that has a child. Unfair Taxation!!But I will pay less than someone with the same income who lacks the foresight to buy health insurance. But the pittance he’ll pay won’t make up for the tax money, MY TAX MONEY, the hospitals will rake in when he trips over the doorstep and breaks his neck, becoming a quadriplegic.

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  15. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    Pat doesn’t even need a hammer, he nailed it!

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  16. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 12 years ago

    This is not the biggest anything! the The dawg is right about this! The funny thing is that this health care bill was started by republicans. They got with the CATO Institute (a conservative think tank) to work with them to write this thing up.The reason the republicans loved it because they got tired of tax-payer money supporting the medical bills of the people who were too cheap to pay for their own insurance! That really sounds like what the republicans are like.the only thing that changed is that there was a change in parties, When aObama got elected. WHen he decided to play fair with the republicans and to said "it’s good, lets do this. Well, they decided right then to change their opinion of it. because they had sworn to unseat the president.

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  17. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 12 years ago

    Hey, you were right for once:StocksDow 12,830.82 +228.56 +1.81%Nasdaq 2,926.32 +76.83 +2.70%S&P 500 1,356.49 +27.45 +2.07%Bonds & Currencies10 Year Yield 1.66% +0.08—1 Euro $1.26590.0218 1.7535CommoditiesOil $83.94 +6.25 +8.04%Gold $1,603.40 +53.00 +3.42%It appears that they love it.

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  18. Drstrangelove slim pickens riding the bomb
    Kirk Sinclair  about 12 years ago

    “the biggest tax increase in the history of the world” – what pure right-wing nonsense. Several recent presidents passed tax increases that were larger. You really do your side disfavor by sounding like a complete idiot all the time. And the stock market has done really well since then.

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