Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for July 16, 2012

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    Undrneath  over 12 years ago

    Makes me wonder how many kids live on that block.

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    dkendraf  over 12 years ago

    Iā€™d go to Pasqualeā€™s simply because I know heā€™s honest; his lemonade would taste like lemonade and probably be reasonably priced. I wouldnā€™t go to Clemā€™s at all; chances are itā€™s more expensive than the rest and not enough sugar in the lemonade (maybe not even enough lemon!). Then, Iā€™d have to go by how well I know the product of the rest of the children there; some Iā€™d visit and some I wouldnā€™t. Iā€™d still have money in my pocket, and the children would learn a lesson of economics and retail.

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    Phatts  over 12 years ago

    ā€¦ this would be like trying to get to ā€œGoā€ with Boardwalk and Park Place full of hotels ā€¦

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  4. With saturn  1
    Phosphoros  over 12 years ago

    But the competition is wonderful for the consumer. No price gauging here! Heā€™ll find a great price, guaranteed.

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    Burnside217  over 12 years ago

    The smart kid would put a coin operated port-a-john at the far end.

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  6. Solange
    ewalnut  over 12 years ago

    Skip Clem and do the others.

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  7. Cernunnosherne
    Mitchtheone  over 12 years ago

    the smart kid will be buying out the other stands hiring those same kids to work his stands on commissionā€¦ But that would be meā€¦..

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  8. Penguins
    James Hopkins  over 12 years ago

    Hope thereā€™s a porta potty at the end of that row!

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  9. D11s01ep00 wal 01 matt smith
    Doctor11  over 12 years ago

    Boy, I hope Jimbo has enough money to survive this.

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    yangeldf  over 12 years ago

    Thatā€™s a terrible idea! If they sell the same product then they shouldnā€™t set up shop right next to each other because depending on the direction of foot traffic only the kids at the ends will get any business. In the REAL world vendors like this set up on street corners and only stay near people who sell different products so they donā€™t have to worry about losing customers to redundancy.

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    hippogriff  over 12 years ago

    Loy Wells: You get that from that Australian network? The only destroyed towns I know of were killed by: a) transportation (railroads, highways, etc.) passing them by; b) natural disasters; c) town payroll going overseas; d) oligopolies (Walmart, etc.) moving in, operating at a loss until the local businesses (and tax base) failed; e) other causes too minor to enumerate.

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    samfran6-0  over 12 years ago

    Believe that

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    Puddleglum2  over 12 years ago

    You have to take a ā€˜standā€™!

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  14. Billcat
    tbritt99  over 12 years ago

    Clemā€™s is water w/yellow food dye.

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  15. Hpim1063
    ChappellGirl5  over 12 years ago

    One of them needs to sell cookies, one ice cream or popsicles, one the lemonade, one koolaid, one fans, one visors, one sandwiches, etc. At least that way thereā€™s no fights over who should sell to whom. Thereā€™s something there for everyone.

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    iced tea  over 12 years ago

    Hopefully, they all made that lemonade from a powdered mix.

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    Rushed  over 12 years ago

    Not this day and ageā€¦. Theyā€™d all be carted off for having to many stands in one place as well as not getting the proper permits!

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