Very timely strip. I just saw on the news tonight that the early warm weather this winter, followed be frosts in spring, killed the pollinating honey bees and decimated the cherry crops in the Mid-West this year.
Out here in central KS there is massive crop falures one of the hardest hit is corn. Seeing all the dead corn stalks is horrible. Food prices will climb like gas prices are climbing.Nelson enjoy that last peach. Wish I had one.
Templo S.U.D. over 12 years ago
Better let Nelson not visit for a while next season.
Linguist over 12 years ago
Very timely strip. I just saw on the news tonight that the early warm weather this winter, followed be frosts in spring, killed the pollinating honey bees and decimated the cherry crops in the Mid-West this year.
Llewellenbruce over 12 years ago
“Sure, blame it on the kid, Earl”.
gjsjr41 over 12 years ago
How do you get an “early” frost in the Spring? I suppose the gets a late frost in the Autumn. lol
cdward over 12 years ago
Not the Grandson!!!!
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
Was that all that was left?
lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago
Looks like Nelson got the first and last one.
ncalifgirl58 over 12 years ago
grandchildren get all the strawberries too. lol
jtviper7 over 12 years ago
I always get a tree full of almonds… This year none. BUT I have a million lemons.
Number Three over 12 years ago
Lucky Nelson!
LOL xxx
amaryllis2 Premium Member over 12 years ago
But…but… No mention of squirrels? They’re the culprits around here.
kab2rb over 12 years ago
Out here in central KS there is massive crop falures one of the hardest hit is corn. Seeing all the dead corn stalks is horrible. Food prices will climb like gas prices are climbing.Nelson enjoy that last peach. Wish I had one.
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
There’s more fuzz on the peach than on the top of Earl’s head.
dfowensby over 12 years ago
what global warming? that implies the globe. we’ve had absolutely gorgeous weather all year, here in virginia.
dfowensby over 12 years ago
so the west is baking and burning. it’s always done that. one reason why my father quit farming in kansas. perfectly “normal”.