Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 14, 2012
September 13, 2012
September 15, 2012
Danae: ... and that's how I stopped the invasion, saving all of you from space monkey enslavement on my summer vacation. Well, geez... Don't hurt yourselves thanking me all at once!! Teacher: We will as soon as you sit down, Danae.
Yes, Danae. Thank you very much for that piece. And when December comes, think about what Santa will give you for Christmas…that is, when you go visit him!
“The ‘Golden Rule’ appeaers no where in the three Abrahmic based religions. If it does point it out please?”
Well, according to :
The “Golden Rule” has been attributed to Jesus of Nazareth: “Therefore all things whatsoever would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matthew 7:12, see also Luke 6:31). The common English phrasing is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
This source also discusses the Golden Rule as it appears in Judaic and Islamic writings, as well as in the writings of other religions.
Luke 6:31: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Said by Jesus to the disciples.
Matt. 7:12 adds, "This is the law and the prophets. "
Muslim: “Not one of you is a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” Forty Hadith of an-Nawawi 13
Leviticus 19.18: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.”
and Lev. 19:34: “You shall treat the alien who resides with you no differently than the natives born among you; you shall love the alien as yourself; for you too were once aliens in the land of Egypt. I, the LORD, am your God.”
and also Judaism (Talmud): ’When a certain heathen went to Hillel, he said to him, “What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor: that is the whole Torah; all the rest of it is commentary; go and learn.” ’ Shabbat 31a
It actually appears in all three Abrahamic religions. If only we were good enough to live up to it!
So you mustn’t murder someone but you can kill them?.Death as a punishment is no punishment at all. It frees you from suffering. It strikes me that the bible is interpreted to say whatever one wants it to say.
Slave space Monkeys? I want some…Know why? So I could free them! Well,after they mow the lawn, or shovel the snow., anyway…Wait, kids are space Monkeys? I knew it!
Am a very spiritual person, but don’t have a clue how this comic inspired religious commentary. Maybe it’s just a private conversation betwixt members….
I have a feeling this will pass….the Principal is possibly in a straight jacket over Danae’s stunts from last year…..and besides the teacher’s reaction tells me she doesn’t beleive a word of it.
Linguist over 12 years ago
A true talent always goes unrecognized in their own environment.
Rodney99 over 12 years ago
Danae has a future in Political Speech Writing…
Randy B Premium Member over 12 years ago
Yes, Danae. Thank you very much for ending your story.
ChrissyT over 12 years ago
They’re just stunned by your greatness, Danae. Greatness of what, I shall not say.
Arianne over 12 years ago
I love the skull and crossbones emanating from her. Danae, my little Princess of Darkness!
pcolli over 12 years ago
It’s an awed silence. They probably think it took her all summer to complete a computer game.
cdward over 12 years ago
That’s what I like, a teacher who can ZING without sending to the principal’s office.
I'll fly away over 12 years ago
A prohet is not without honor in his own country. Good thing they recgnized that she’s a false one.
pelican47 over 12 years ago
ppfffhhhhheaaah!(That’s the nearest I can approximate what came out of my mouth at the last panel.)Good one, Wiley.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 12 years ago
Yes, Danae. Thank you very much for that piece. And when December comes, think about what Santa will give you for Christmas…that is, when you go visit him!
Can't Sleep over 12 years ago
I dunno — I’d think the rest of the class would enjoy the story. It sounds better than a trip to Disney World,
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
It ought to make for best-selling sci-fi.
catzilla23 over 12 years ago
Philosophy is questions that don’t have answers, religion is answers that can’t be questioned.
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
“The ‘Golden Rule’ appeaers no where in the three Abrahmic based religions. If it does point it out please?”
Well, according to :
The “Golden Rule” has been attributed to Jesus of Nazareth: “Therefore all things whatsoever would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matthew 7:12, see also Luke 6:31). The common English phrasing is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
This source also discusses the Golden Rule as it appears in Judaic and Islamic writings, as well as in the writings of other religions.
Vonne Anton over 12 years ago
Space monkey enslavement doesn’t sound so horrible…might be fun…
LingeeWhiz over 12 years ago
Danae….the adoration seeker.
kaystari Premium Member over 12 years ago
The students look surprised. You would think, by now, they would be very used to her strange antics.
dabugger over 12 years ago
Don’t you mean spaced out?
einarbt7 over 12 years ago
Is this the teacher Calvin had?
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
Truly, I say to you, no prophet is acceptable in his hometown." Luke 4:24
Jml58 over 12 years ago
The golden rule.
Whoever has the gold, makes the rules.
btrfly_lvr over 12 years ago
the kids look scared.
skigypsy over 12 years ago
I love that kid!
dflak over 12 years ago
Well, at least give her an “A” for creativity.
Hunter7 over 12 years ago
The story of this invasion has left me speechless. Just speechless. I just don’t know what to think…. space monkeys… oh my….. .maybe a movie deal?
pouncingtiger over 12 years ago
Danae, a future writer for Fox News.
rosieposie2012 over 12 years ago
maybe she really had a very boring summer?
bmonk over 12 years ago
Luke 6:31: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Said by Jesus to the disciples.
Matt. 7:12 adds, "This is the law and the prophets. "
Muslim: “Not one of you is a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” Forty Hadith of an-Nawawi 13
Leviticus 19.18: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.”
and Lev. 19:34: “You shall treat the alien who resides with you no differently than the natives born among you; you shall love the alien as yourself; for you too were once aliens in the land of Egypt. I, the LORD, am your God.”
and also Judaism (Talmud): ’When a certain heathen went to Hillel, he said to him, “What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor: that is the whole Torah; all the rest of it is commentary; go and learn.” ’ Shabbat 31a
It actually appears in all three Abrahamic religions. If only we were good enough to live up to it!
pcolli over 12 years ago
So you mustn’t murder someone but you can kill them?.Death as a punishment is no punishment at all. It frees you from suffering. It strikes me that the bible is interpreted to say whatever one wants it to say.
pcolli over 12 years ago
But the ten commandments are Old Testament, aren’t they?
pcolli over 12 years ago
I didn’t start this religious diversion and maybe I should have ingored it.
Varnes over 12 years ago
Slave space Monkeys? I want some…Know why? So I could free them! Well,after they mow the lawn, or shovel the snow., anyway…Wait, kids are space Monkeys? I knew it!
Vonne Anton over 12 years ago
Am a very spiritual person, but don’t have a clue how this comic inspired religious commentary. Maybe it’s just a private conversation betwixt members….
Squirrelchaser over 12 years ago
The kids do looked stunned and scared – I would like to hear the whole story, not just the ending.
Caddy57 over 12 years ago
I have a feeling this will pass….the Principal is possibly in a straight jacket over Danae’s stunts from last year…..and besides the teacher’s reaction tells me she doesn’t beleive a word of it.