Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for September 16, 2012

  1. Ts
    killacowinWA  over 12 years ago

    That escalated quickly.

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  2. Bluedog
    Bilan  over 12 years ago

    In the old days, we pinged each other. It was much more polite.

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  3. Snoopy rides again
    The#1BoiseStateFan  over 12 years ago

    Heā€™ll pry be like the Nebraska coach todayā€¦

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  4. 20071112 einstein
    hariseldon59  over 12 years ago

    Rat caught Goat in a poke. Maybe it should have been Pig in a poke.

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  5. Emerald
    margueritem  over 12 years ago

    Especially that trend.

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  6. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 12 years ago

    Ratā€™s action reminds me a little of todayā€™s ā€œCul de Sac.ā€ (Not to mention Ray to needs to ā€œpokeā€ Mark in order to file the complaint.)

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  7. 11 06 126
    Varnes  over 12 years ago

    Isnā€™t poking the moral equivalent of Italians pinching girls on their cute little butts? Guys donā€™t poke other guys on face book do they? I donā€™t poke, havenā€™t figured out how to do it yetā€¦.

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  8. Hillbilly1
    Hillbillyman  over 12 years ago

    Hey Ratā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦POKE!

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    orinoco womble  over 12 years ago

    ā€œRun run run runā€ ā€” cartoon strip sound effects! Love it!

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  10. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 12 years ago

    I donā€™t poke around on that social networking site, but I do sympathize with Ratā€™s admittedly somewhat overdone reaction. That site itself needs a good, stern pokeā€¦.

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  11. Ek 11
    jazzmoose  over 12 years ago

    Thatā€™s it. Rat is my hero!

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  12. Hellcat
    knight1192a  over 12 years ago

    Best way to stop it is to stop using Facebook.

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  13. Missing large
    Alphaanddelta  over 12 years ago

    Where did he have the pole hidden?

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  14. Dsc00030
    alviebird  over 12 years ago

    What does a poke accomplish? What is the expected response? Is it a social faux pas to ignore one? Iā€™m serious.

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  15. Lamb2
    WCLamb  over 12 years ago

    @JohnnyDiegoIā€™m with you. Who needs it? Lived for 65 years without it, and donā€™t need it now.Itā€™s becoming more of an anti-social network.

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  16. Img 0813
    GoodQuestion Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Well, we now know that rat is no slow poke . . . ā˜»

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  17. Nra chick
    debuggingdevice  over 12 years ago

    I donā€™t remember caber tossing to be that violent! I hope Mr. Pastis does not get any ideas of a Poke in a Pigā€¦at least for Pigā€™s sake!

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  18. Missing large
    christianwos  over 12 years ago

    For a second I thought rat said ā€œDid you Pokemon on Facebookā€.

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  19. Lucy2
    IQTech61  over 12 years ago

    Iā€™m so grateful that Rat is a fictitious character.

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  20. Bc92a6de09218bcca4bb23106a180b75
    KEA  over 12 years ago

    Whatā€™s Rat even doing on Facebook??

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    DeepLogic  over 12 years ago

    Right on!

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    Snoopy_Fan  over 12 years ago

    At least thereā€™s not a ā€œpukeā€ linkā€¦

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  23. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 12 years ago

    Rat needs anger managementā€¦

    Poor Goatā€¦

    This strip cracked me up.


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  24. Chibi robo 2
    Chibi-robo64  over 12 years ago

    Why does Rat have to take all the fun out of the internet?

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  25. Pig
    A_NY_Outlaw  over 12 years ago

    prime example why I am not on facebook!

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  26. United federation
    corzak  over 12 years ago

    "Funny how people complain about a free application that nobody is forcing them to use.ā€lol! My thought exactly! Itā€™s almost like theyā€™re trying really hard to justify their resistance to themselves . . .Social media can certainly be irritating at times, but they have revolutionized marketing, business, journalism, politics and even international relations.

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    markjoseph125  over 12 years ago

    And @JohnnyDiegoCount me out, too.Analogous to Groucho Marxā€™s joke: ā€œI find television very educational. Every time someone turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.ā€

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  28. United federation
    corzak  over 12 years ago

    Dang whippersnappers with their new-fangled gadgetry!

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    Nicholas Theodorakis  over 12 years ago

    Maybe I just donā€™ t have ā€œpokeyā€ FB friends, but I never get poked. Is that still a ā€œthingā€?


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    William Ellwin Premium Member over 12 years ago

    A shame the crocs didnā€™t think of that for zeebaā€¦

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  31. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  over 12 years ago

    TAG! Youā€™re it!

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  32. Bob sepia
    ClayManBob  over 12 years ago

    I vote we stop the trend of Facebook.

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  33. Missing large
    m.l.  over 12 years ago
    Thatā€™s not a ā€œpokeā€, THATā€™S A ā€œRAMā€!
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    bigbadpete  over 12 years ago

    Hilarious. Iā€™m gonna frame the 7th panel.

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  35. Snoopy rides again
    The#1BoiseStateFan  over 12 years ago

    I WRITE and spell good in school. Typing: not so uch

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  36. Masked
    Rickapolis  over 12 years ago

    How do you know youā€™ve been poked?

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  37. Masked
    Rickapolis  over 12 years ago

    I mean Facebook poked, not Rat poked.

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  38. Penguins
    sandigilbo  over 12 years ago

    I LOVE FB & Iā€™m in the ā€˜over 60ā€™ age group. It has educated me, re-connected me with old friends, keeps me up-to-date on children & grandchildren and has been, overall, a positive experience. I have gained business from friends of acquaintances and discovered new products & services by reading othersā€™ posts. I belong to a couple of closed groups and weā€™ve been able to share useful info, inform everyone of upcoming events, etc. Once I learned how to hide all the game requests and reports, it made FB a more pleasant experience for me. Donā€™t knock it, if you haveā€™t tried it..RE: pokes. I have only 2 friends who love to ā€˜pokeā€™ and I used to find it irritating. But, knowing those 2 people fairly well, I figure that itā€™s their way of saying ā€œthinking of youā€ instead of just typing ā€œhiā€ on my wall..And ā€“ itā€™s easy to block/unfriend people if you donā€™t care to see their posts any longer. Technology can be a benefit or your enemy. We all do not have to agree or like the same things ā€“ thatā€™s why there are always choices..Lastly, FB has widened my world by reading otherā€™s points of view. If I only communicated with like-minded people, I would never be exposed to opposing opinions. I find it fascinating to hear what otherā€™s think or do..Thanks for reading.

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  39. Xray death mask
    guitarmutt  over 12 years ago

    Got rid of Facebook months ago. Iā€™ve never looked back. And good riddance to ya!

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  40. Kopia discworld the bursar
    the burser  over 12 years ago

    Julian Smith 25 things i hate about Facebook

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  41. Bgfcvvesve4ipojsr
    Gokie5  over 12 years ago

    One of my loved ones in effect forced me to join Facebook so that I could find out what was happening to her. I hate having to turn down ā€œfriendā€ requests, but have a hard time keeping up with the fifteen I have. Only accept relatives and in-laws (except for a few that got in by mistake). Iā€™ve become good friends with an old classmate (theyā€™re all old :-) ) that I offered to email if sheā€™d email me. A real peeve is that no one will tell me anything about Facebook. I donā€™t know how to ā€œpokeā€ someone ā€“ not that Iā€™d ever want to. Donā€™t know how to reproduce photos (donā€™t tell me to ā€œnavigateā€ or ā€œdownloadā€ or any of that wrench-in-the-works junk that freezes up my Luddite mind). The people whoā€™d be agreeable to telling me are clueless, and the others are mute with disgust. Oops ā€“ sorry about the rant!

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  42. Missing large
    pfantom58  over 12 years ago

    Start by not using Facebook

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  43. Bgfcvvesve4ipojsr
    Gokie5  over 12 years ago

    But itā€™s kind of interesting (red face, here).

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  44. Gwen sunglasses
    Angelicious  over 12 years ago

    I HATE being poked, it means nothing to me. If Rat would let me borrow that tree Iā€™d also go after people who invite me to Farmville, ZYnga and all that other crap. Rat is my hero.

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  45. Mutts5
    KatP Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Death to Facebook.

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  46. Missing large
    BelchingPanda  over 11 years ago

    his oompa loompas must be gone nowā€¦just orange and green things ow

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  47. Rat
    sebdaone2000  over 6 years ago

    Waitā€¦Rat and Pig have a MacBook?

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