I still have a t-shirt I bought 20+ years ago when I visited Yellowstone. It says exactly that, and you have a bear standing beside the tree with a deer hat and holding up a paper saying ‘I am not a bear’. That bear now that I think about it has a striking resemblance with Gunther. :)
naturally_easy over 12 years ago
Oh, that’s just not right!
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Good grief! Has Flora sold out to the park rangers?
QuietStorm27 over 12 years ago
I know she seems mean Gunther but she loves you and wants you to be around for a long time.
cabalonrye over 12 years ago
I still have a t-shirt I bought 20+ years ago when I visited Yellowstone. It says exactly that, and you have a bear standing beside the tree with a deer hat and holding up a paper saying ‘I am not a bear’. That bear now that I think about it has a striking resemblance with Gunther. :)
danketaz Premium Member over 12 years ago
Syd Hoff, if I remember aright
kaecispopX over 12 years ago
Remeber that, to Gunther, feeding the bear means a slow, unobserant camper as a main course.