I write my own cards or send cards that I receive when I donate to a charity. The cost of cards (you can see it coded at the back) that I receive on my birthday makes me wince and I’m almost afraid to throw them out. I wish my sisters could be more creative.
A propos to today’s OBH: I remember when I was 10-years-old and I brought a handfull of insects to my father who was sitting on a chair in the livingroom (the rug had been removed, revealing a bare wooden floor). “Daddy,” I asked, “I know there are red ants and black ants, but look at the WHITE ants I just found.”
When I was young I use to make my own homemade cards. My mom was too cheap to buy any cards and this day she has never sent a Birthday or Christmas card to anyone. never. She will not make any long distance phone call.
People don’t even send CARDS any more, they just zip someone an email or a tweet. I live in a major metropolitan area and several Hallmark stores in my area have gone out of business in just the last year or two.
Linguist over 12 years ago
arye uygur over 12 years ago
I write my own cards or send cards that I receive when I donate to a charity. The cost of cards (you can see it coded at the back) that I receive on my birthday makes me wince and I’m almost afraid to throw them out. I wish my sisters could be more creative.
arye uygur over 12 years ago
A propos to today’s OBH: I remember when I was 10-years-old and I brought a handfull of insects to my father who was sitting on a chair in the livingroom (the rug had been removed, revealing a bare wooden floor). “Daddy,” I asked, “I know there are red ants and black ants, but look at the WHITE ants I just found.”
kab2rb over 12 years ago
When I was young I use to make my own homemade cards. My mom was too cheap to buy any cards and this day she has never sent a Birthday or Christmas card to anyone. never. She will not make any long distance phone call.
Ermine Notyours over 12 years ago
Yeah, except these days you’re expected to buy a card AND a gift.
OldestandWisest over 12 years ago
People don’t even send CARDS any more, they just zip someone an email or a tweet. I live in a major metropolitan area and several Hallmark stores in my area have gone out of business in just the last year or two.
Fan o’ Lio. over 12 years ago
Are you on Creators.com’s payroll?
Mythreesons over 12 years ago
Hey! This was the strip from Sept 3. I thought I was going crazy.
dumbbobsbrother over 12 years ago
summer reruns???
calvinsfriend110 over 12 years ago
It’s a rerun?