We used to have a large flock of half-bred Araucana (sp?) chickens. They laid pastel colored eggs. We’d get blue, pink, lavender, and green eggs. And the hens themselves were spectacularly marked and colored. They roamed free on our horse ranch and were great at breaking up and spreading the poop piles and eating the parasite eggs & larvae in those piles, thus breaking their reproductive cycles. Also, we noticed that the first egg a young hen laid often had double yolks (always bright orange from all the insects they ate, and fertilized because of the randy roosters).
I had a (very young) cousin who told my grandmother, in all seriousness, that the brown eggs were laid by the rooster. She didn’t stop laughing about that for a month.
The brown eggs cost more because they are laid by Free Range chickens. Free range chickens are allowed to forage for food and get a more balanced and nutritious diet than the chemical-laced food fed to commercial chickens.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
“And where does Yoo Hoo come from?”…
LeslieBark over 11 years ago
We used to have a large flock of half-bred Araucana (sp?) chickens. They laid pastel colored eggs. We’d get blue, pink, lavender, and green eggs. And the hens themselves were spectacularly marked and colored. They roamed free on our horse ranch and were great at breaking up and spreading the poop piles and eating the parasite eggs & larvae in those piles, thus breaking their reproductive cycles. Also, we noticed that the first egg a young hen laid often had double yolks (always bright orange from all the insects they ate, and fertilized because of the randy roosters).
alondra over 11 years ago
What I’d like to know is why brown eggs are a dollar more than white ones. They don’t taste any different.
T_Lexi over 11 years ago
I had a (very young) cousin who told my grandmother, in all seriousness, that the brown eggs were laid by the rooster. She didn’t stop laughing about that for a month.
awdunn2484 over 11 years ago
Another name for them is is Easter Eggers and yes c.davies this is true that they lay pastel colored eggs. we have 2 Ameraucanas in our flock.<><me
lightenup Premium Member over 11 years ago
It’s not that hard to google this. I believe them.
Stephen Gilberg over 11 years ago
That has odd implications for dark-skinned women.
mabrndt Premium Member over 11 years ago
click for article
jonochsendorf over 11 years ago
apparently the Araucana chicken only lays blue eggs, and only the mixed breed mongrels lay pastel eggs. Someone got ripped off……..
stuart over 11 years ago
gcarlson over 11 years ago
According to the 1964 edition of Childcraft, brown eggs come from Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red hens.
craigwestlake over 11 years ago
The brown eggs cost more because they are laid by Free Range chickens. Free range chickens are allowed to forage for food and get a more balanced and nutritious diet than the chemical-laced food fed to commercial chickens.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Ha ha ha!….