Had a college prof who just used acronyms and pronounced them as words:ICCL: (ickle) I couldn’t care lessICPCL: (ickpickle) I couldn’t possibly care lessICTHICPCL: (ickthickpickle) I can’t think how I could possibly care less
EXACTLY, Earl! TOO many people do not grasp the things they are saying. How can you say something if you don’t properly understand the sentence you are uttering?
The Nihilist over 12 years ago
Somebody is due for their ‘shot upside the head’ treatment’…
Templo S.U.D. over 12 years ago
Note, Earl, as he said “I [probably] could care less”, not “I could care less.” Nothing to get upset about.
Llewellenbruce over 12 years ago
Shut up and play your checkers.
Linguist over 12 years ago
OMG ! Even Earl’s a grammar Nazi ! See a care in this eye ? A give-a-d*mn in the other ?
susanwobb over 12 years ago
The whole thing goes: “I could care less… if I tried.” But the person is so uninterested that they don’t even bother to finish the sentence.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Not half funny.(There’s another one for Earl!)
pelican47 over 12 years ago
Had a college prof who just used acronyms and pronounced them as words:ICCL: (ickle) I couldn’t care lessICPCL: (ickpickle) I couldn’t possibly care lessICTHICPCL: (ickthickpickle) I can’t think how I could possibly care less
riverhawk over 12 years ago
Where has Nelson been the past three days?
Number Three over 12 years ago
Sardonis over 12 years ago
EXACTLY, Earl! TOO many people do not grasp the things they are saying. How can you say something if you don’t properly understand the sentence you are uttering?
jtviper7 over 12 years ago
It’s better than ’ What ever ’…
thirdguy over 12 years ago
Because that would be vulgar and rude, and we, here on Go Comics, are none of those things. snicker, snicker.
Jeff0811 over 12 years ago
So? (gets all the bases covered)
jimgamer over 12 years ago
Who care’s ???
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
I’d say here the world’s smallest violin and it’s playing for you.
Neat '33 over 12 years ago
Ah yes; yet another example of fine male logic !
Jmcook006 over 12 years ago
Wow… in one move, I found someone that shared my pet peeve… and was also shown how silly it is.
otahans over 12 years ago
Three cheers for apostrophy man!
xpurplezebra over 12 years ago
“If i couldn’t care less” It could mean that i care as much as possible, but morally I’m obligated to keep it maxed out and not allowed to care less.
DavidGBA over 12 years ago
That phrase is so farMiliar, just like the cows down on the FAMILy FARM.
DavidGBA over 12 years ago
Is it a reflexive? Gotta hava name!
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
Is this one a repeat? It seems very familiar.
whiteseal1333 over 12 years ago
That’s always bothered me too!!
antonious15068 over 12 years ago
I usually say ICCLBINWTE or ickle bin wit. I Could Care Less But Its Not Worth The Effort.