I think it’s brilliant! What an idea! And I was there! He took the idea! He saw it ripe on the tree, he plucked it, and he put it in his pocket. It’s, it’s, dare I say… genius? Ah, no, no! But maybe, ooh! ah! maybe it is! Maybe I’m in the presence of greatness, maybe I just don’t know it. But I saw it…
danketaz Premium Member over 2 years ago
Nothin’ says lovin’ like something from the fridge that heats food up!
Ivy Valory Premium Member over 2 years ago
My brain is reeling from that third frame. Of course, I may be just the very teeniest bit stoned.
^ over 2 years ago
No, you are really behind your time, if you are trying to ‘invent’ things that already were invented
diskus Premium Member over 2 years ago
It does kinda make sense in some way lol
morningglory73 Premium Member over 2 years ago
How about something the size of a microwave oven that freezes things fast? Is there such a thing? I’m old so I maybe out of touch.
Ellis97 over 2 years ago
How about this? A pencil that operates like a pen!
kaffekup over 2 years ago
A glass globe that glows so you can see in the dark!
6turtle9 over 2 years ago
How about stairs that do the walking for you!
Q’anon logic. Birds ain’t real either!
christelisbetty over 2 years ago
How about a box with a TV screen and a keyboard,that you could use it to find out stuff…Ooooo, maybe even use it to communicate with other people !
ratton8 over 2 years ago
When you love your best friend but he real dumb.
David Rickard Premium Member over 2 years ago
I think it’s brilliant! What an idea! And I was there! He took the idea! He saw it ripe on the tree, he plucked it, and he put it in his pocket. It’s, it’s, dare I say… genius? Ah, no, no! But maybe, ooh! ah! maybe it is! Maybe I’m in the presence of greatness, maybe I just don’t know it. But I saw it…
asrialfeeple over 2 years ago
Comic about a dog who can do everything, in his imagination, but its really about a group of young kids.
TonysSon over 2 years ago
Waiting for Kevin to come up with the idea of shirts with sleeves.
Nunya Biznez 9 months ago
“I got it! What about a human, but made out of metal!”