I don’t know how I missed this. Mr Danders has always looked strange to me, but today, what I see is a dog’s head, like a beagle with tiny little ears. No body.
Mister Danders needs a way bigger habitat, while letting him run loose in their house could blur his status from pet to vermin, it is abuse to keep an animal of that intelligence and sophistication cooped up that way, such is the nature of anthropomorphism.
So can the Otterloops hear Danders and the cricket speak? What level of anthropomorphism does this strip practice? And can Miss Bliss and the other students hear and understand him? Could Petey’s friends like Andre Chang, Ernesto DeLocuna and Viola DeAmour hear and understand Mister Danders if they were visiting, Or Loris Lothrop?
gbars70 over 2 years ago
Guineapig Cricket or Jiminy Pigette!
Templo S.U.D. over 2 years ago
whatever you say, cricket
su43dipta over 2 years ago
Just go to sleep whenever you have to!
mobeydick over 2 years ago
Neither nocturnal, nor diurnal. They sleep anytime they want, night or day.
jmolay161 over 2 years ago
Yuck. Don’t let Petey see the big bug.
RonnieAThompson Premium Member over 2 years ago
Is Mr Danders about to get his dander up?
Moonkey Premium Member over 2 years ago
I don’t know how I missed this. Mr Danders has always looked strange to me, but today, what I see is a dog’s head, like a beagle with tiny little ears. No body.
6turtle9 over 2 years ago
Poor Mr. Danders. What did he do to deserve this? A guinea pig with lofty dreams living the petting zoo life. Oh, the Humanity! (Guinea Piganity?)
norphos over 2 years ago
Mister Danders needs a way bigger habitat, while letting him run loose in their house could blur his status from pet to vermin, it is abuse to keep an animal of that intelligence and sophistication cooped up that way, such is the nature of anthropomorphism.
norphos over 2 years ago
So can the Otterloops hear Danders and the cricket speak? What level of anthropomorphism does this strip practice? And can Miss Bliss and the other students hear and understand him? Could Petey’s friends like Andre Chang, Ernesto DeLocuna and Viola DeAmour hear and understand Mister Danders if they were visiting, Or Loris Lothrop?
Sisyphos over 2 years ago
Awkward new friends. Danders is top-heavy (huge muzzle!); while the cricket (?) professes its forelegs are merely ornamental!
How are you guys gonna play cards, anyway?
ktrabbit over 2 years ago
Is that you, Chester?