So, I guess all of the dangling plot threads will continue to blow in the wind, leaving us here to wonder as many suspected. Dekko appears to have pulled off the ultimate “hit” on Paul with no consequence, Agent 99 has disappeared with the dangling plot threads, Krypto’s seemingly pre-mature attempt to kill Art is unexplained, Tracy’s invisible conversation with Sue Reel is unexplained, and now we get a rerun of a minute mystery! This story needs another month to finish! I need TWINKIES, DAG-NABBIT!!!
Greetings and another abrupt ending!
So, I guess all of the dangling plot threads will continue to blow in the wind, leaving us here to wonder as many suspected. Dekko appears to have pulled off the ultimate “hit” on Paul with no consequence, Agent 99 has disappeared with the dangling plot threads, Krypto’s seemingly pre-mature attempt to kill Art is unexplained, Tracy’s invisible conversation with Sue Reel is unexplained, and now we get a rerun of a minute mystery! This story needs another month to finish! I need TWINKIES, DAG-NABBIT!!!