So let me get this straight. You’re saying that there WASN’T fraud involved in a guy winning disputed election via a state where the governor was his brother and the official certifying the ballot was his local campaign manager? Swear to God, if that happened in Carjackistan, we’d bomb the bejeezus out of the place.
Hey, Rightisright, I hope you’ll be gracious enough to eat your words and smile if your predictions about the upcoming election don’t come true.I’ve always noticed that you I’m-right-and-there’s-no-question-about-it types are never as gracious in defeat as you are smug in victory.Even if there hasn’t been a victory yet; and if the polls are correct, I wouldn’t be betting on a ROMNEY LANDSLIDE.
Corvus shuckandjivus insists that what drives the push for voter ID laws are a handful of documented voter fraud cases. I thought such laws were popular because we have a sizable undocumented alien population (and two consecutive administrations with little interest in enforcing immigration laws), and the logical failsafe against keeping noncitizens from the polls seems to be getting the citizens properly documented for voting purposes..What is the alternative solution? By what other means can we safeguard against votes by ineligible voters?. Most people associate voter fraud with machine politics and the sort of skullduggery after the polls are closed. (For example, Chicago’s legendary “First Ward” elections, by which votes are recounted over and over again until the desired results come about.) Voter ID laws aren’t going to take on institutionalized ballot stuffing. That requires improved checks and balances against machine politics.
If the problem is too many ineligible voters, why not work to make them eligible? Why is the discussion on illegal aliens always so focused on keeping them out? We’ve shown time and again that our economy thrives in part because of people willing to come here and work what the rest of us would consider distasteful. So, why not find a way to make them welcome and able to escape the poverty and chaos back home legally? Why does it have to be so difficult to become a citizen?
More to the point of the comic: If the only people that are allowed to vote are the rich, white, land owning males, then what sort of votes will they cast come election times? Does anyone actually believe they will be altruistic enough in any meaningful and significant numbers to cast votes that could in any possible way be construed as to be in anyone’s interest but their own? I think we can see how that worked out in the era spanning post-reconstruction through the 1950s in the former Confederate states.
It is odd to me that there seems to be a strong correlation between perpetrators of the worst bigotry and hate and those that also claim to be followers of particular sects of the dominant religion of the landmass. I seem to recall there being a few passages within nearly all versions of their sacred book about being good to each other, doing unto others as you want them to do unto you, and one other bit about some kind of reckoning for ones actions in the end. If there was an actual belief in the latter, then it would seem to be mutually exclusive with the former. Since those do not seem to be mutually exclusive as shown by actions (which, we are told, speak louder than words), then it tells me the latter is merely being used as a simple pretext to make the former seem ok, thus making it acceptable to be a total dick to your neighbors.
Not true. I recount of all Florida votes showed Bush the winner. Also, if Gore had carried his home state of Tennessee, he’d have won. Perhaps Trudeau can run some strips showing Gore’s unusual massage practices……….
Every undocumented type I’ve ever met couldn’t speak English well enough to ask for a glass of water, let alone VOTE. They are NOT the problem. F’watsherface our governor with an illegal grandfather just spent a chunk of bucks we couldn’t afford to find NO fraud. EVER.
And that money that could have gone to help out the schools…went to the reep-sheets companies…from Texas, who backed her…typical Republican steal-from-the-Treasury, it makes you a selfmade man types.
Hmmm, I see I have a point of view. Big Richard…you’re coool.
Facts libs would like to ignore: After Junior Gore tried to steal Florida, the Miami Herald and the New York Times, hardly conservative leaning, both spent lots of their own money to recheck the Florida vote. Both concluded Bush won. Try to spin that!
‘04 in Ohio wasn’t really Jim Crow, as it wasn’t aimed at any particular minority. They just made sure the democrat districts didn’t have enough voting machines. Anybody that couldn’t afford to stand in line all day didn’t get to vote.
It doesn’t take massive voter fraud to sway an election. Bush became president by 3,000 votes. And if voter fraud does not exist then how do you explain this:
If the GOP fat cats want everyone to have an ID, and they’re not out to prevent poor/working folks from voting, then let one of those generous zillionaires donate money that will allow these voters to take an afternoon off and apply for an ID. One less anti-Obama commercial won’t be missed.
Of course you mean the landslide that’s gonna bury Mr. “Romneyshambles.” (Look it up.) How can you post a comment like this with a straight face after your boy’s buffoon act in London? And calling Trudeau “Trudunce”… oh wow, I think I’m gonna die from your sophisticated humor and verbal wordplay. (That last sentence was ‘sarcasm’ – you may need to look that one up too.)
The electronic voting machines have been proven to be vulnerable to tampering at all stages of an election from initial votes to how the votes are tallied at the end of the day. The majority of states have Republicans as a majority and this can have enormous impact on how the electoral votes are applied- it would not be the first time electoral votes overturned the popular vote thanks to Alexander Hamilton and his belief the ‘common’ man lacked the wherewithal to vote properly. The reinstitutionalizing of ‘Jim Crow’ laws, or any laws that impede a citizen’s access to their right to vote, is just one more insult to the injuries being piled upon citizens by both parties in their unamerican pursuit of power and prestige. The ‘trolls’ commenting on these political cartoons are the result of our elected officials’ successful effort to keep us arguing with each other instead of holding THEM, the legislatures of our state and federal government, accountable for their actions and inactions on behalf of lobbyists- Dem AND Repub. If you fall, I will help you stand. If we stand together, we can tell our legislatures what Kennedy told us so many years ago…The difficult we will do now, the impossible we’ll do later. That which you do to others, you give others permission to do to you. Let us do respect and compassion to one another. Please.Respectfully,C.
Unfortunately neither the Miami Herald nor the NYTimes are left-leaning. The Times use to be, but it had to buckle under to corporate ownership. I would call it middle of the road, even though Krugman is a columnist. Only trolls read the mainstream media.
July 8, 1959 – Two U.S. military advisors, Maj. Dale Buis and Sgt. Chester Ovnand, are killed by Viet Minh guerrillas at Bien Hoa, South Vietnam. They are the first American deaths in the Second Indochina War which Americans will come to know simply as The Vietnam War.
This happened 18 months BEFORE Kennedy took office.
You’re right leftwing, Eisenhower was prez when my Pop was stationed there (Dalat) from ‘59-’61, that’s where I started 1st grade. Kennedy was prez when we came back.
My folks always said, “The Vietnamese are the worst divers in the world” until we got to South Carolina then they said, “These people drive worse than the Vietnamese.” (I got run over by a car while riding my bike to school).
Yeah, Bush stole Florida, yepper, even after Gore managed to get most of the military overseas votes from all over the world thrown out because they didn’t have a US postmark marked as of the date of mailing rather than the date of arrival at the APO.
What an absolute load of despicable, race-baiting garbage this week’s strips have been. Congratulations, Mr Trudeau, you’ve really reached a new low. Comparing voter ID laws- which apply to all persons of all races equally, and which all include provisions to provide free IDs to people who can’t afford them- to Jim Crow- the deliberate and willful discrimination against people based on their race- is the act of an intellectually bankrupt sleazeball.
Yes, because Romney’s platform of, “At least I’m not Obama,” is really going over well.
And “early sour grapes” is a contradiction in terms. However, yes, considering the fact that (the following is supposed to be italicized, not shouting) JIM CROW LAWS WERE ABOUT PREVENTING REGULAR CITIZENS FROM VOTING OR PARTICIPATING IN CERTAIN PUBLIC ACTIONS, AND WE ARE NOW HAVING SIMILAR LAWS GETTING PASSED (end italics), this is far more than sour grapes. It’s somebody with a public forum looking at laws that should not have been passed and crying foul.
I won’t say that I agree with all of Pres. Obama’s actions or decisions, but I will say that, given the choice of 2 evils, I find Obama FAR LESS EVIL than Romney. Better the devil I know than the Devil I fear.
And just a thought on this idea that Gore attempted to steal Florida; let us remember that Gore had the majority of the popular vote, and it was only the antique notion of the electoral college that gave the win to Bush.Of course Republicans crowed about the correctness and need for the EC, so I offer them this challenge:Will you still defend the electoral college if in 2012 President Obama fails to win the popular vote, but wins the election by way of the electoral college?I’d bet I already know the answer, but if it should happen, perhaps we will finally get enough bipartisan support to rid our country to this outdated and ridiculous creation.
Gary Trudeau can be interesting, but he never lets the truth get in the way of his left-wing bias. Every count made in Florida showed that Bush was the winner. Election fraud elected John Kennedy. While there many honest Democrat politicians, many other Democrat politicians are regularly engaged in vote fraud. It’s the Chicago way!
Is Trudeau suggesting minorities aren’t bright or capable enough to get themselves id’s? Isn’t that what poll taxes and other deterrents to minority voting were put in place for? And in fact the blacks couldn’t afford the taxes. So now, Trudeau, do you think they’re unable to simply obtain an id? The belittling of the left again – disgusting. It is not that hard to get an id!
I see Trudeau get more digs in his effort to make himself look like a stupid anti-American slime sucker. He complains about everything and twists the facts to suit his hate-filled anti-American leanings. FOO!!!
The reason for the new laws is because of the large undocumented population? We had that in 2000, 2004 and 2008. Why weren’t the republicans pushing for this reform then? And as you can see from the numbers in the strip, that kind of election fraud is virtually nonexistent.
Try again. Keep trying to think up reasons for these new laws in an election year when they are clearly illegal, other than that they will disenfranchise many poor voters who just happen to be democrats.
The purpose of Jim Crow was to keep negros from voting Republican. It is different from keeping non-citizens from voting. This fall fire the libs and RINOs. Viva la revolucion.
It seems oft repeated by right-leaning commentators that there was a full recount in Florida in 2000, which Bush won clean; this is not in fact so. Some counties refused to recount, and regardless, the US Supreme Court stopped the recount Dec. 9. There were a large number of irregularities in how the Florida vote was carried out – not least of which was that the Republican Secretary of State, in charge of voting procedures in the state, was also co-chair of the Bush campaign. Katherine Harris was involved with purging 54,000 supposed felons from the rolls prior to the election, a majority of which were African-Americans (generally Dem. supporters), and most of whom were not felons, and therefore were eligible to vote. Harris also openly supported Bush team lawyers, and antagonized Gore team lawyers. Combined with the irregularities in the balloting, counting, and recounting, and possible barriers to voters in some counties in both heavily Democrat leaning counties, and Republican ones in the panhandle, and there is a lot of room for either side to claim it should have been the true winner, because a complete recount, with consistent procedures, was prevented by state officials, and the Supreme Court.
This is why voter ID laws, combined with large purges of rolls immediately prior to the election is a suspect behaviour – making it difficult for falsely purged voters to be reinstated, or to get required ID’s.
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
…and he stole Ohio in 04 (I know, red meat for the trolls).
MiepR over 12 years ago
My head hurts.
King_Shark over 12 years ago
Are we done here? Please say yes…
Ravenswing over 12 years ago
(laughs uproariously)
So let me get this straight. You’re saying that there WASN’T fraud involved in a guy winning disputed election via a state where the governor was his brother and the official certifying the ballot was his local campaign manager? Swear to God, if that happened in Carjackistan, we’d bomb the bejeezus out of the place.
Crumbucket over 12 years ago
Do you have a blog?
McSpook over 12 years ago
Hey, Rightisright, I hope you’ll be gracious enough to eat your words and smile if your predictions about the upcoming election don’t come true.I’ve always noticed that you I’m-right-and-there’s-no-question-about-it types are never as gracious in defeat as you are smug in victory.Even if there hasn’t been a victory yet; and if the polls are correct, I wouldn’t be betting on a ROMNEY LANDSLIDE.
AKHenderson Premium Member over 12 years ago
Corvus shuckandjivus insists that what drives the push for voter ID laws are a handful of documented voter fraud cases. I thought such laws were popular because we have a sizable undocumented alien population (and two consecutive administrations with little interest in enforcing immigration laws), and the logical failsafe against keeping noncitizens from the polls seems to be getting the citizens properly documented for voting purposes..What is the alternative solution? By what other means can we safeguard against votes by ineligible voters?. Most people associate voter fraud with machine politics and the sort of skullduggery after the polls are closed. (For example, Chicago’s legendary “First Ward” elections, by which votes are recounted over and over again until the desired results come about.) Voter ID laws aren’t going to take on institutionalized ballot stuffing. That requires improved checks and balances against machine politics.
Mozleron over 12 years ago
If the problem is too many ineligible voters, why not work to make them eligible? Why is the discussion on illegal aliens always so focused on keeping them out? We’ve shown time and again that our economy thrives in part because of people willing to come here and work what the rest of us would consider distasteful. So, why not find a way to make them welcome and able to escape the poverty and chaos back home legally? Why does it have to be so difficult to become a citizen?
More to the point of the comic: If the only people that are allowed to vote are the rich, white, land owning males, then what sort of votes will they cast come election times? Does anyone actually believe they will be altruistic enough in any meaningful and significant numbers to cast votes that could in any possible way be construed as to be in anyone’s interest but their own? I think we can see how that worked out in the era spanning post-reconstruction through the 1950s in the former Confederate states.
It is odd to me that there seems to be a strong correlation between perpetrators of the worst bigotry and hate and those that also claim to be followers of particular sects of the dominant religion of the landmass. I seem to recall there being a few passages within nearly all versions of their sacred book about being good to each other, doing unto others as you want them to do unto you, and one other bit about some kind of reckoning for ones actions in the end. If there was an actual belief in the latter, then it would seem to be mutually exclusive with the former. Since those do not seem to be mutually exclusive as shown by actions (which, we are told, speak louder than words), then it tells me the latter is merely being used as a simple pretext to make the former seem ok, thus making it acceptable to be a total dick to your neighbors.
wmbrainiac over 12 years ago
thanks for this series, mr trudeau
squeeter123 over 12 years ago
Those that use racism to make a point are racist themselves, sorry but your views are so skewed at times you become unreadable.
rsb337 over 12 years ago
Not true. I recount of all Florida votes showed Bush the winner. Also, if Gore had carried his home state of Tennessee, he’d have won. Perhaps Trudeau can run some strips showing Gore’s unusual massage practices……….
trixnnort over 12 years ago
yes,vote early and vote often
tigre1 over 12 years ago
Every undocumented type I’ve ever met couldn’t speak English well enough to ask for a glass of water, let alone VOTE. They are NOT the problem. F’watsherface our governor with an illegal grandfather just spent a chunk of bucks we couldn’t afford to find NO fraud. EVER.
And that money that could have gone to help out the schools…went to the reep-sheets companies…from Texas, who backed her…typical Republican steal-from-the-Treasury, it makes you a selfmade man types.
Hmmm, I see I have a point of view. Big Richard…you’re coool.
JosephBidenJr99 over 12 years ago
Facts libs would like to ignore: After Junior Gore tried to steal Florida, the Miami Herald and the New York Times, hardly conservative leaning, both spent lots of their own money to recheck the Florida vote. Both concluded Bush won. Try to spin that!
neatslob Premium Member over 12 years ago
‘04 in Ohio wasn’t really Jim Crow, as it wasn’t aimed at any particular minority. They just made sure the democrat districts didn’t have enough voting machines. Anybody that couldn’t afford to stand in line all day didn’t get to vote.
RayThomas101 over 12 years ago
Only a fool thinks Bush stole Florida. What he did was stop AlGore from stealing Florida. Sheesh! Of course the liberal fools will never buy that.
bwalk7217 Premium Member over 12 years ago
It doesn’t take massive voter fraud to sway an election. Bush became president by 3,000 votes. And if voter fraud does not exist then how do you explain this:
magicwalnut over 12 years ago
If the GOP fat cats want everyone to have an ID, and they’re not out to prevent poor/working folks from voting, then let one of those generous zillionaires donate money that will allow these voters to take an afternoon off and apply for an ID. One less anti-Obama commercial won’t be missed.
JoeStrike over 12 years ago
Of course you mean the landslide that’s gonna bury Mr. “Romneyshambles.” (Look it up.) How can you post a comment like this with a straight face after your boy’s buffoon act in London? And calling Trudeau “Trudunce”… oh wow, I think I’m gonna die from your sophisticated humor and verbal wordplay. (That last sentence was ‘sarcasm’ – you may need to look that one up too.)
chazandru over 12 years ago
The electronic voting machines have been proven to be vulnerable to tampering at all stages of an election from initial votes to how the votes are tallied at the end of the day. The majority of states have Republicans as a majority and this can have enormous impact on how the electoral votes are applied- it would not be the first time electoral votes overturned the popular vote thanks to Alexander Hamilton and his belief the ‘common’ man lacked the wherewithal to vote properly. The reinstitutionalizing of ‘Jim Crow’ laws, or any laws that impede a citizen’s access to their right to vote, is just one more insult to the injuries being piled upon citizens by both parties in their unamerican pursuit of power and prestige. The ‘trolls’ commenting on these political cartoons are the result of our elected officials’ successful effort to keep us arguing with each other instead of holding THEM, the legislatures of our state and federal government, accountable for their actions and inactions on behalf of lobbyists- Dem AND Repub. If you fall, I will help you stand. If we stand together, we can tell our legislatures what Kennedy told us so many years ago…The difficult we will do now, the impossible we’ll do later. That which you do to others, you give others permission to do to you. Let us do respect and compassion to one another. Please.Respectfully,C.
JAPrufrock over 12 years ago
Unfortunately neither the Miami Herald nor the NYTimes are left-leaning. The Times use to be, but it had to buckle under to corporate ownership. I would call it middle of the road, even though Krugman is a columnist. Only trolls read the mainstream media.
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
Eisenhower was president in 1959.
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
July 8, 1959 – Two U.S. military advisors, Maj. Dale Buis and Sgt. Chester Ovnand, are killed by Viet Minh guerrillas at Bien Hoa, South Vietnam. They are the first American deaths in the Second Indochina War which Americans will come to know simply as The Vietnam War.
This happened 18 months BEFORE Kennedy took office.
FriscoLou over 12 years ago
“Eisenhower was president in 1959.”
You’re right leftwing, Eisenhower was prez when my Pop was stationed there (Dalat) from ‘59-’61, that’s where I started 1st grade. Kennedy was prez when we came back.
My folks always said, “The Vietnamese are the worst divers in the world” until we got to South Carolina then they said, “These people drive worse than the Vietnamese.” (I got run over by a car while riding my bike to school).
caligula over 12 years ago
Yeah, Bush stole Florida, yepper, even after Gore managed to get most of the military overseas votes from all over the world thrown out because they didn’t have a US postmark marked as of the date of mailing rather than the date of arrival at the APO.
mpguy2 over 12 years ago
To be more precise, Bush didn’t steal Ohio in 2004. Ken Blackwell, the Ohio Secreatary of State, stole it for him.
Harrison_Bergeron over 12 years ago
What an absolute load of despicable, race-baiting garbage this week’s strips have been. Congratulations, Mr Trudeau, you’ve really reached a new low. Comparing voter ID laws- which apply to all persons of all races equally, and which all include provisions to provide free IDs to people who can’t afford them- to Jim Crow- the deliberate and willful discrimination against people based on their race- is the act of an intellectually bankrupt sleazeball.
KenyarJad over 12 years ago
Yes, because Romney’s platform of, “At least I’m not Obama,” is really going over well.
And “early sour grapes” is a contradiction in terms. However, yes, considering the fact that (the following is supposed to be italicized, not shouting) JIM CROW LAWS WERE ABOUT PREVENTING REGULAR CITIZENS FROM VOTING OR PARTICIPATING IN CERTAIN PUBLIC ACTIONS, AND WE ARE NOW HAVING SIMILAR LAWS GETTING PASSED (end italics), this is far more than sour grapes. It’s somebody with a public forum looking at laws that should not have been passed and crying foul.
Mitchtheone over 12 years ago
You just keep telling yourself that and One day you might even believe it.. But not after November when President Obama has won his second term..
Just saying..
McSpook over 12 years ago
I won’t say that I agree with all of Pres. Obama’s actions or decisions, but I will say that, given the choice of 2 evils, I find Obama FAR LESS EVIL than Romney. Better the devil I know than the Devil I fear.
McSpook over 12 years ago
And just a thought on this idea that Gore attempted to steal Florida; let us remember that Gore had the majority of the popular vote, and it was only the antique notion of the electoral college that gave the win to Bush.Of course Republicans crowed about the correctness and need for the EC, so I offer them this challenge:Will you still defend the electoral college if in 2012 President Obama fails to win the popular vote, but wins the election by way of the electoral college?I’d bet I already know the answer, but if it should happen, perhaps we will finally get enough bipartisan support to rid our country to this outdated and ridiculous creation.
georgelcsmith over 12 years ago
Gary Trudeau can be interesting, but he never lets the truth get in the way of his left-wing bias. Every count made in Florida showed that Bush was the winner. Election fraud elected John Kennedy. While there many honest Democrat politicians, many other Democrat politicians are regularly engaged in vote fraud. It’s the Chicago way!
rclake1963 over 12 years ago
rclake1963 over 12 years ago
And by the way, anyone with ANY amount of intelligence knows that $hit Romney is what’s wrong with this country ..
SClark55 over 12 years ago
Is Trudeau suggesting minorities aren’t bright or capable enough to get themselves id’s? Isn’t that what poll taxes and other deterrents to minority voting were put in place for? And in fact the blacks couldn’t afford the taxes. So now, Trudeau, do you think they’re unable to simply obtain an id? The belittling of the left again – disgusting. It is not that hard to get an id! Premium Member over 12 years ago
He didn’t have to “steal” it, the SC handed it to him on a silver platter.
OleEddie over 12 years ago
I see Trudeau get more digs in his effort to make himself look like a stupid anti-American slime sucker. He complains about everything and twists the facts to suit his hate-filled anti-American leanings. FOO!!!
kaffekup over 12 years ago
Gore won Florida. All scholarly (not political) recounts verify it. Dot. Period. End.
salgud over 12 years ago
The reason for the new laws is because of the large undocumented population? We had that in 2000, 2004 and 2008. Why weren’t the republicans pushing for this reform then? And as you can see from the numbers in the strip, that kind of election fraud is virtually nonexistent.
Try again. Keep trying to think up reasons for these new laws in an election year when they are clearly illegal, other than that they will disenfranchise many poor voters who just happen to be democrats.
proseshooter over 12 years ago
The purpose of Jim Crow was to keep negros from voting Republican. It is different from keeping non-citizens from voting. This fall fire the libs and RINOs. Viva la revolucion.
TammyJohnston Premium Member over 12 years ago
It seems oft repeated by right-leaning commentators that there was a full recount in Florida in 2000, which Bush won clean; this is not in fact so. Some counties refused to recount, and regardless, the US Supreme Court stopped the recount Dec. 9. There were a large number of irregularities in how the Florida vote was carried out – not least of which was that the Republican Secretary of State, in charge of voting procedures in the state, was also co-chair of the Bush campaign. Katherine Harris was involved with purging 54,000 supposed felons from the rolls prior to the election, a majority of which were African-Americans (generally Dem. supporters), and most of whom were not felons, and therefore were eligible to vote. Harris also openly supported Bush team lawyers, and antagonized Gore team lawyers. Combined with the irregularities in the balloting, counting, and recounting, and possible barriers to voters in some counties in both heavily Democrat leaning counties, and Republican ones in the panhandle, and there is a lot of room for either side to claim it should have been the true winner, because a complete recount, with consistent procedures, was prevented by state officials, and the Supreme Court.
This is why voter ID laws, combined with large purges of rolls immediately prior to the election is a suspect behaviour – making it difficult for falsely purged voters to be reinstated, or to get required ID’s.
Aslan Balaur over 12 years ago
Close, it’s not Romney landslide, it’s Romney land FILL!
arizonat over 12 years ago
I can’t believe the load of bull that was unloaded this week. If it was real, I won’t need to worry about fertilizer for years.