Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for June 16, 2013

  1. Defaultmj
    ComicDetectiveDA  almost 12 years ago

    If only it were that simple…if only!

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  2. Manachan
    rpmurray  almost 12 years ago

    I wonder when GT will get around to creating an avatar for the current resident of the White House. With all the scandals involving the current administration you’d think there would be more strips poking fun at him, like GT used to do every other day when Bush was in office.

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  3. Young wmb
    wmbrainiac  almost 12 years ago

    cue Nelson on the commenters re supposed contemporary scandals: HA ha. you mean the “scandals” with no legs? the ones mis-staged and mischaracterized by the dweebs in the house? the ones following which the presidet’s approval rating has only remained steady or improved? cue Nelson. repeatedly.

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    sherbert  almost 12 years ago

    CELEBRATE WHAT WE HAVE IN COMMON??!! I didn’t see that coming either! And Jeff’s reason – so in character – to appeal to “chicks”. I LOVE this strip! GT seems to have so much insight into what it is to be human, with all our flaws and surprising virtues.

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    Blood-Poisoning Vermin  almost 12 years ago

    Even the trolls are stuck on re-runs. There’s a group whose sabbaticals I could get behind.

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    npaladin2000  almost 12 years ago

    Does he realize the NSA is monitoring that soccer app? Oh, I see! He’s planting an intelligence source inside the Taliban! :)

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    Q4horse  almost 12 years ago

    In Afganistan peace comes when the invaders give up and go home, until the next invasion.

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    beprepn  almost 12 years ago

    The Christmas truce!

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    Ollyvah  almost 12 years ago

    I like how you call our current “fearless leader” by his first name, it shows you have a great deal of respect for your dear old friend, even though we see you are a sheep thats easily lead by the crowd, & eager to believe whatever you are told by faux news.

    If you were intelligent enough to think for yourself, you would soon discover that it does not matter who is inserted into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. The outcome is still the same. Every year we loose more freedoms & liberty, while the taxes on the working people become greater & corporate welfare becomes more prevalent . They need sheep like you to keep the battle going between us, so no one will take the time to actually see what politics is doing to our once great country. I’m sure you are very proud of your ignorance, I see it in every post you make.

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    tomdebc  almost 12 years ago

    Yeah, SkepticCal, Benghazi with 4 dead is FAR more scandalous than 9/11. There were clues leading up to 9-11, none before Benghazi, but Again, Benghazi is far worse!! the mind of idiots! Bush was a joke and morons like you cant admit it :)

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  11. Papa smurf walking smiling
    route66paul  almost 12 years ago

    Yeah, garbage with benefits……

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    lafayetteann  almost 12 years ago

    AND G. H. W. Bush has a post-presidency favorable rating of 62% and Clinton 69% favorable.

    W.’s post-presidency favorable is at 49%. Still pitiful.

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  13. Cernunnosherne
    Mitchtheone  almost 12 years ago

    Hey, troll, all those things have been shown to not have any substance and are in fact republican/tea party side show acts.

    All designed to, in my opinion, to distract from the fact the republican/tea party were put into office to help in creating jobs.. Instead do nothing more than block and fight a sitting president.

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  14. Papa smurf walking smiling
    route66paul  almost 12 years ago

    As was already stated, it doesn’t really matter who is in the WH, a little more or less salt, but the powers that be set the stage.You have to remember that W set the ball rolling(while his VP called the shots, dictated by the corporations).Any freedom taken away, makes our government more repressive.The PTB want this and we need to fight it

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    kaffekup   almost 12 years ago

    Right, because that’s worked so well in every other stupid war.

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  16. Snoopy
    Darryl Heine  almost 12 years ago

    Along with the dailies, the Sunday strips will be in reruns for the next 12 weeks.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 12 years ago

    “President George W. Bush now more popular than Usurper Barry.”-Now, now. You know he isn’t really a usurper, that he was elected to the position by the Electoral College in accordance with the Constitution.You really should be more honest if you want people to believe you.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 12 years ago

    “All we are saying iw, Give peace a chance.”-And it had its chance and its adherents were wiped out by those who did not like the idea and could not be opposed by those who insisted on being peaceful.-This is why when you know you are facing a nation which is disinterested in peace, you would be wise to avoid them and let them war one each other.Even as they hang their daughters from goal posts.-At least WE would be at peace, of sorts.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 12 years ago

    “Imagine if the soldiers on both sides decided to kill all their leadership for starting that stupid war? How much better would history had been?”-So you want the military to stage a coup and overturn the government of the United States of America.-HEY, NSA! OVER HERE. PLEASE PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THIS FELLOW.PRETTY PLEASE.HE WANTS THE MILITARY TO KILL OUR PRESIDENT.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 12 years ago

    “DON’T FEED THE TROLL!!!!”-But he’s hungry

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  21. Guennolshoulderblog
    sierraseven  over 11 years ago

    GuardSGT, we’ve been through all of your “not a natural-born citizen” nonsense before. Several of us posted solid factual refutations of your assertions. But, because this comment section is new each day, it’s easy for you to repeatedly post your mindless bleatings.Pres. Obama was born in Hawaii, which means he was a natural-born citizen for his entire life. Plus, his mother was a US citizen. Not that it matters, because as I’m sure you know, kids born in the US to non-citizen parents are citizens. So even if his mother’s citizenship had ever been in question – which it was not – he is a citizen by virtue of place of birth. Period.Go ahead and post your nonsense, though. I and others will refute it with solid factual references, just like we did before. You know, the times before when you tried it, and eventually stopped trying to defend your completely false claims.I know you will never listen to reason – your hatred prevents that – but I continue to refute your lies because someone may be reading this who might fall for your baloney if it’s left standing.

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