Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 05, 2025

  1. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  1 day ago

    Let me beat our usual patriot to the punch : could ANYONE worth the tenth part of a d@mn feel anything other than complete and utter contempt for Traitor Trump after watching him read very badly off a teleprompter written by his fellow criminals and traitors?

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    Godfreydaniel  1 day ago

    Of course no offense to snsurone76, the patriot in question. I just wanted to sneak in first…..

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    snsurone76  1 day ago

    Did anyone watch Trumpty-Dumpty’s speech last night (I didn’t)? How was it? Or better yet—how was the rebuttal? I read in the news that one man was thrown out for being disruptive; why? Hasn’t Trump disrupted other speakers in the past? Remember his “debate” with Hillary in 2016? He wouldn’t shut up!

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    snsurone76  1 day ago

    I hope there will be a new arc next week; this one is a yawn. BTW, when did Roland become a reporter for Faux News?

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    Godfreydaniel  1 day ago

    You were supposed to forgive me for being silly, snsurone76…..As fellow patriots if nothing else!

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    SHIVA  1 day ago

    Good time to put that idiot Roland out of commission!!!

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    tetris280  1 day ago
    Canada’s PM telling tRUMP regarding Putin

    “Who aligns themselves with a lying murderous dictator” Rhetorical question of course, tRUMP does.

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    Skydog  1 day ago

    Krasnov said there was nothing he could do to satisfy Democrats. Sure there is. Fire JD Vance and then resign. So simple.

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    The Wolf In Your Midst  1 day ago

    And let’s not forget that Trump has threatened to pull Federal funding from any educational institution that allows “illegal” protests, promising deportation or prison for protesters. Remember: Storming the Capitol to try to stop a legitimate transfer of power is fine, but protesting the Emperor is criminal!

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    mindjob  about 23 hours ago

    So the donkeys have hope after all

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    ncorgbl  about 23 hours ago

    BD, the shovel was used last night by tRump.

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    bignatefan  about 22 hours ago

    Come on, B.D. Everyone in the army knows it’s an “entrenching tool,” not a (shudder) shovel.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  about 22 hours ago

    Hooray for Christian Tetzlaff and Renee Fleming

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  14. Gandalf
    Gandalf  about 22 hours ago

    So, since most of y’all have TDS, the CBS poll shows 75% of Americans loved last night’s speech by President Trump! The Democrats came off as spoiled two-year-olds… They couldn’t even applaud a young man battling cancer! Or support women who are fighting to keep men from competing in women’s sports! We now know who truly hates the country and hates women… The whole country had a chance to see who you truly are, and the great majority reject your perverted vision.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  about 22 hours ago

    When Adolf Hitler slaughtered 6 million Jews,there’s no denying he took “swift and unrelenting action”.

    Of course,it was WroNG—-but who cares about that end of t hings?

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    OshkoshJohn  about 21 hours ago

    Obviously, the imprecatory prayers are not working. I am hoping to see painful and suppurating boils covering his body.

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    JR0602  about 20 hours ago

    I’m pretty much in the same wheelhouse as the rest of you, tRump’s an idiot! I didn’t watch it and didn’t care to. Trimming my toe nails gave me more enjoyment than watching that baboon spew more BS and lies, and the other idiots on the “right” side of the aisle lap it up. How can the once decent Republican party (I’m not one, by the way) sink to the level of agreeing with someone who tells so many lies and so often that people start believing them as fact. In a different vein, This particular comic strip has nothing to do with his orangeness, except when Gary creates a strip featuring him, Sunday for instance. I’m not complaining, but any comments about today’s subject matter?

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    lnrokr55  about 19 hours ago

    Wack him in the head ! ;-)

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    pflutke59  about 19 hours ago

    Trumps speech seemed full of irony. One phrase was “…we are draining the swamp — it’s very simple — and the days of rule by unelected bureaucrats are over.” While in the balcony sits Elon Musk, not elected, but responsible for dismantling many federal agencies.

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    HodgeElmwood  about 14 hours ago

    I could be wrong, B.D., but I thought making those assessments was YOUR job in the field. The press folks are supposed to keep their heads down and follow orders, not make decisions!

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    HodgeElmwood  about 14 hours ago

    Why would I bother? I knew it would be lies from start to finish.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member about 13 hours ago

    The advice BD is handing out actually seems pretty spot-on. I wonder if Garry Trudeau consulted with actual infantry trainers to get it.

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    sincavage05  about 12 hours ago

    To knock him silly or to .him, I say bury him

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member about 12 hours ago

    Given that Disaster Pumpkin thinks of our troops as “losers” and “suckers”, it’s small wonder that he thinks they don’t deserve veterans’ services, either, which is why he’s gutting the VA.

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