For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for October 21, 2018

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 6 years ago

    of course, Farley (I wouldn’t pull the cord out BY the cord like Elly did, but rather near the head of the plug)

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    howtheduck  over 6 years ago

    My kitty feels the same way about vacuum cleaners.

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  3. Animal and his marbles
    debra4life  over 6 years ago

    That’s right, boy. Let that mean old vacuum cleaner know who’s boss.

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    Rosette  over 6 years ago

    My dog doesn’t even have the courage to face the vacuum when it’s off. He also shies away from pumpkins on porches and clam shells at the beach… maybe he’s just a scaredy dog!

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    Display  over 6 years ago

    Looks familiar. Hmm…

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    asrialfeeple  over 6 years ago

    Typical dog behaviour

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    Wren Fahel  over 6 years ago

    We had gotten a tiny kitten, Alexandra. The first time I had to vacuum after getting her, I tried to get her to leave the living room. Our older cat, Rico, willingly went & hid when I pulled it out of the closet. Alex, however, kept checking it out. So, I figured, the best way for her to learn…I turned it on. She jumped about 3 feet into the air and took off. However, the very second I turned it off, she came flying back into the living room, POUNCED on the machine, growling, hissing, clawing and biting it. To the day she died, whenever we opened that closet door – even if just to get a coat out – she would come running and attack it.

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    m b  over 6 years ago
    WTG Farley !!! Dogs are so lovable and crazy – years ago, I’d taken a few years off work, when I went back to work, I hired someone to come in and clean once a week, dust, vac, clean baths, kitchen and change beds…….my 2 choc labs at that time , Heidipooh & Mollyann would bark like crazy if I got the vac out an run to another room – when Joann came to clean, they’d follow her around while she ran the vac, Mommy used it and it was an evil alien, maybe they were protecting Joann from the evil alien :o) Miss those poochies
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    rshive  over 6 years ago

    Courage has its limits.

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    Sakamichi  over 6 years ago

    Years ago I had an Amazon parrot who’d charge across the floor every time the vacuum was turned on launching herself onto the hose and punching holes in it like it was an anaconda. The hose over time had a patchwork of duct tape patches to seal up the leaks. I eventually had to lock her up while I cleaned.

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    ajakimber425  over 6 years ago

    The one number enemy in the animal kingdom.

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    Jan C  over 6 years ago

    Spoiler alert:

    Didn’t Elly and John have a central vac system installed in the house during one of the remodels? Perhaps Howtheduck knows.

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    dlaemmerhirt999  over 6 years ago

    I wish I could meet dogs from the comics section. Farley DEMANDS floofy cuddles!!!

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    Alberta Oil  over 6 years ago

    One should never pull an extension cord out with a “POIT”. Safety first..

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    ellisaana Premium Member over 6 years ago

    My guys start barking when the vacuum appears, and won’t stop until it is put away. We have to put them in a separate room, or put them outside (fenced yard) to get any vacuuming done.

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    1JennyJenkins  over 6 years ago

    We had two dogs. Both of them were never afraid of the vacuum. They would just go to their spot by the fireplace, and sleep while I vacuumed around them.

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    pepnkids  over 6 years ago

    who has a wall outlet in the base board? must be a Canadian thing, or (this will get me in trouble) a woman thing.

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    heathcliff2  over 6 years ago

    Good boy. Get it while it is asleep or otherwise distracted.

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    finnygirl Premium Member over 6 years ago

    One of hubby’s biggest complaints as a maintenance man at a hospital was when the staff would forget that all the beds are electric and plugged in, and would move a bed without pulling out the cord first, thereby tearing the wiring or pulling the plug off and making him need to fix it. After he said that, I made sure that I stopped my old habit of sometimes pulling cords out without holding the plug, which is dumb at best and dangerous at worst. (But I do realize this is a comic, not real life!)

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    finnygirl Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Of the many dogs I’ve had in my life, I’d guess about two-thirds hated the vacuum, but one-third couldn’t have cared less. One in particular would flee the minute I got it out of the closet, but once it was put away, if anybody opened the closet door, in she would go, and actually attack it, biting the rubber bumpers! We had to make sure nobody left the vacuum out in the room, or left the closet door open, or no telling what condition the vacuum would have been in when we returned!

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    debbie8pole  over 6 years ago

    So funny how Farley barks at the vacuum cleaner, thinking it is an enemy. I am going to be the envy of my fellow readers/bloggers here, but my chihuahua has enough sense to keep a distance from our vacuum cleaner and she waits until all done to put away.

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    Dr_Fogg  over 6 years ago

    Never, ever put out a plug that way.

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