For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for February 25, 2025

  1. Marie01 01
    Tantor  about 11 hours ago

    Who is Becky?

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    snsurone76  about 10 hours ago

    Maybe Becky’s parents can teach April to pronounce “th” words correctly.

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    mccollunsky  about 10 hours ago

    Bump beds or fall down and hit the ground beds.

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    snsurone76  about 10 hours ago

    What about Edgar? Where will HE stay??

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 10 hours ago

    Well, April, try bouncing up and down on the upper bunk instead of the lower one. Course, you may hit your head on the ceiling..

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    Uncle Kenny  about 9 hours ago

    We had bunk beds in my freshman dorm. I moved in first and took the bottom bunk. When my roommate showed up, we made a deal that we’d switch bunks halfway through the year.

    So, the semester break came, and we changed bunks.

    The alarm clock went off the first morning and we both got up. Not quite awake yet, I got out of bed, but, instead of stepping on the floor, I stepped on my roommate.

    After a yelp, we both had a good laugh, and I never did that again.

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    French Persons' Treasury of Self-Applauding Batty Premium Member about 5 hours ago

    Liz gets to stay with Dawn, April gets to stay with Becky, and Edgar gets to stay with Connie. How very convenient. Just once I’d like to see reality hit these people… like April getting sick with the flu the day before they have to leave on their trip..

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    Chris  about 5 hours ago

    yup, makes total sense. :J

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    fgerbil46  about 5 hours ago

    Gotta love April’s logic! :-)

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    baskate_2000  about 4 hours ago

    The wisdom of a child.

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    ctolson  about 4 hours ago

    April continues – “And the person on the bottom can put their feet up on the top bed and make the person bounce up and down and bump the ceiling!”

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    ladykat Premium Member about 3 hours ago

    Good one, April!

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    Daltongang Premium Member about 3 hours ago

    What, no grandmother coming to watch the kids? Oh the horrors of it all.

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    freewaydog  about 3 hours ago

    I hate the bottom bunk for that!

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    kamoolah  about 2 hours ago

    Ironic that April feels torn apart since her parents are going away without her. Imagine this for a future strip:

    Hobbes: Your parents are packing the car.

    April: All right! We can stay up late and watch anything we want on TV! We can skip homework. We can eat cookies for dinner. We can…

    John barges into bedroom

    John: Why are you sitting around in your bedroom? Come on! Grab your luggage and get to the car!

    April: Where are we going?

    John: On vacation!! What do you think we have been talking about this past month?

    April: With you and Mom? What kind of vacation is that??

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    howtheduck  about 2 hours ago

    No, they’re BUMP beds!… ’cause I always BUMP my head on the top one!!

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    BJDucer  about 2 hours ago

    I had bunk beds when I was in college. My room mate was from Greece, and snored something awful, which is something he recognized and told me to wake him any time he was snoring so he’d turn over. I asked him if he was truly serious about waking him up, and he was absolutely adamant about it. That very night, he fell asleep and started snoring…I usually tried to ignore it as I really don’t like having to wake people up when they’re sleeping soundly, but this night was an exception as I think he was trying to crumble the dorm walls with his best snoring performance on record. Since I had the bottom bunk, I reached up with my hands and feet and started shaking the mattress…hoping this would disturb him enough without really waking him so he’d roll over and stop snoring.

    Well, I certainly was mistaken with how I thought he would react. I shook the bed and within seconds he was wide awake and the next thing I knew, he had leapt off the bed, and without pre-amble or the nuisance of putting any clothes on whatsoever (he did have his skivvies on) he ran out of the room, into the hallway and was leaping down the stairs. I shouted after him as he was doing his best spiderman act to get to the bottom floor as fast as he could, and with one last desperate call of his name, he came to a stop with his hand on the door to get outside and looked up at me….and said “Oh man, what did you do?”

    I was bewildered….I hadn’t done anything but wake him up then watch him vacate the room as fast as he could and told him so. He said “No…how did you wake me up?” I told him how I shook the bed and was surprised to see his shoulders sag with relief…then he said “Oh man, don’t ever do that again.” I was a bit annoyed because he told me to wake him up if he ever snored, and told him so. He replied “Wake me up is fine, but don’t ever shake the bed like that” as he barely survived an earthquake in Greece while sleeping and waking up in a shaking bed to run outside .

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    g04922  about 2 hours ago

    April may have a slight speech impediment. She is pretty cute, though.

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    Popeye1940  about 1 hour ago

    I was in a top bunk on a sub. I broke my wrist on the first night and was put on a charge.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  44 minutes ago

    Mexico has never had the slightest bit of curiosity for me. Love Toronto,though.

    That dark rec room—-the only reason April isn’t scared silly is because Liz is there with her.

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    Dr_Fogg  32 minutes ago

    We called them bonk beds. just saying. :-)

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    lnrokr55  22 minutes ago

    Cute kid, something interesting coming I think ! ;-)

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