What couch? What dirty clothes? Small house owners always seem to be 21st century hippies; no possessions are gonna possess them, they are freee of the burden of possessions.
I have the same reaction to hotel rooms, especially in the “boutique” or “B&B” category my wife finds so cute. It’s so lovely! So where is the suitcase supposed to go? And our stuff when we take it OUT of the suitcase?
Bilan almost 7 years ago
Or right before guest come.
danketaz Premium Member almost 7 years ago
As long as the junk mail goes directly into recycling, no problem. Right?
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Is Jef Mallett getting paid per panel now?
LadyPeterW almost 7 years ago
What couch? What dirty clothes? Small house owners always seem to be 21st century hippies; no possessions are gonna possess them, they are freee of the burden of possessions.
StratmanRon almost 7 years ago
Wow. Stretched THAT one out… But still the truth.
rugeirn almost 7 years ago
Is Frazz …
rugeirn almost 7 years ago
…stretching out…
rugeirn almost 7 years ago
…his words?
DutchUncle almost 7 years ago
I have the same reaction to hotel rooms, especially in the “boutique” or “B&B” category my wife finds so cute. It’s so lovely! So where is the suitcase supposed to go? And our stuff when we take it OUT of the suitcase?
Fido (aka Felix Rex) almost 7 years ago
Maybe he’s…
Fido (aka Felix Rex) almost 7 years ago
That comments number sure did jump!
Kind&Kinder almost 7 years ago
Buying any property is always caveat emptor !
Satchel,Koko,LDL,Kenny almost 7 years ago
The tiny house movement is getting smaller, I understand. People are realizing how limiting they are.