Aha! So, the whaling vessel experience comes in handy once again. you may remember that the technique was useful for anchoring the hot-dog-shaped balloon to the window-washing building.
While today is quite funny and I am glad that Magnus is getting his comeuppance…. let us not lose sight of the tragedy and heartache that has befallen our good old friend, the scholarly/philosophical Joel. Let us not forget him and his plight.
cpalmeresq over 9 years ago
Loving Mom more & more every day!
Neil Wick over 9 years ago
Aha! So, the whaling vessel experience comes in handy once again. you may remember that the technique was useful for anchoring the hot-dog-shaped balloon to the window-washing building.
flowerladytoo over 9 years ago
There has to be bricks in that purse. He’s going down. LOL!!
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
Good morning everyone.-—————-Way to go, mom!-—————-Have a great day my friends.
kab2rb over 9 years ago
The Warden is going to have black eye of wrong detention.
mggreen over 9 years ago
Magnus, yor furst mistook was goin’ a’gin yo Mama!
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 9 years ago
While today is quite funny and I am glad that Magnus is getting his comeuppance…. let us not lose sight of the tragedy and heartache that has befallen our good old friend, the scholarly/philosophical Joel. Let us not forget him and his plight.
arye uygur over 9 years ago
@Pipe Tobacco: But Joel appears to like the life in jail: His 3 square meals, etc.
ttom2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
I love the sign, “Get Big Returns On Your Money” the only big returns for Magnus is back to prison.
JP Steve Premium Member over 9 years ago
and @PipeTobaccoY’all figger Joel is havin’ pipe dreams?
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
Have a peaceful night my friends.