It was once said that if all the Earth’s people could be assembled in one land area, they would would stand crowded together on the island of Zanzibar. So imagine the long, long lines outside Walgreens and CVS pharmacies there. :(
Tis why we have climate change.. refugees.. political problems world wide. In days of old famine.. war.. disease.. kept the population in check. Today, most of those controls are gone and we multiply.. to our ultimate peril.
sirbadger 3 months ago
It also explains why people can’t afford to buy a house unless they already own a house.
Doug Taylor Premium Member 3 months ago
The population has more than doubled since I was born.
ddl297 3 months ago
Explains why I can never find my flavor of ice cream; the rest of the 8 billion in the world get there first!
PraiseofFolly 3 months ago
It was once said that if all the Earth’s people could be assembled in one land area, they would would stand crowded together on the island of Zanzibar. So imagine the long, long lines outside Walgreens and CVS pharmacies there. :(
Slowly, he turned... 3 months ago
It explains the lines to everything, actually.
mindjob 3 months ago
There are no lines at the movie theaters because movies are so bad now
Gameguy49 Premium Member 3 months ago
Unchecked migration is responsible.
sandpiper 3 months ago
Lines may be partially due to population increase but mostly it’s due to the age of the whole population.
Alberta Oil Premium Member 3 months ago
Tis why we have climate change.. refugees.. political problems world wide. In days of old famine.. war.. disease.. kept the population in check. Today, most of those controls are gone and we multiply.. to our ultimate peril.
PoodleGroomer 3 months ago
One simple pleasure is listening to birthdates while waiting at the pharmacy and finding that you are 5 years older and in better shape than most.
cuzinron47 3 months ago
That’s why it’s better to do things on-line.