Now see dear, she asks him a question, and he proceeds to answer her. Apparently he is “dumbing down” his answer, but he’s a wise man, what do you expect? Anyway, whatever, she is concerned not so much with what he said, she is concerned more about how he said it.
Packratjohn Premium Member about 4 years ago
There is now!
Qiset about 4 years ago
Did she ask for it?
Sir Ruddy Blighter about 4 years ago
Actually, there is such a thing…
derdave969 about 4 years ago
So, when a guy explains something to a woman it’s mansplaining, but when a woman explains something to a man he needed to know it.
Jeff0811 about 4 years ago
I can’t wait to explain this comic to my wife.
Now see dear, she asks him a question, and he proceeds to answer her. Apparently he is “dumbing down” his answer, but he’s a wise man, what do you expect? Anyway, whatever, she is concerned not so much with what he said, she is concerned more about how he said it.
J Short about 4 years ago
Mansplaining: a sexist term used to negate any valid argument you have; based on the fact you are male.
cdward about 4 years ago
She went to a lot of trouble to ask him a question only to tell him why he should not have answered it.
garcoa about 4 years ago
Obviously not so wise.
paul GROSS Premium Member about 4 years ago
Don’t apologize, it will just encourage her to whine about something else.
comixbomix about 4 years ago
…Only when you’re talking to ‘Karen’…
Diamond Lil about 4 years ago
Isn’t ALL mansplainng ’wisemansplaining" in the minds of the splainer?
Zen-of-Zinfandel about 4 years ago
“So now I’m the bad guy?”
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Oh sorry my little snowflake, make sure you don’t slip on your social warrior slip while descending my mountain.
P51Strega about 4 years ago
“yes, sorry. Now let me wiseman ‘splain ’offerings to the Guru’. I don’t eat dirt here, ya know.”
Lablubber about 4 years ago
Wisemansplaining is keeping your mouth shut.