Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for December 23, 2013
Mom: "Honey, I'm sorry Quill's busy. But don't mope. Boys don't like mopey, needy girls" Luann: "I know. But it's Christmas. We should be together!" Mom: "Then let's invite him to Christmas dinner. Brad and Toni are coming. It will be fun to have two young couples" Luann: "Thanks, mom" Mom: "Yay! One Christmas present taken care of!"
blunebottle about 11 years ago
The glory of being first…….well, not that it’s such a big deal, at least on any one of many other strips on GoComics, but it sure is a feat to accomplish it on Luann- quite a tribute to the popularity of this, my favourite comic on this site.Three cheers for Greg!
blunebottle about 11 years ago
Good ol’ Mom!
barbarasbrute about 11 years ago
Will Gunth and his Mom also be invited?
JayBluE about 11 years ago
“Making Love Out Of Stuffing And All”“I Used To Can’t Get No Satisfaction”
or“Hazy Shade Of Whimper”
Angelalex242 about 11 years ago
Well…that’s one way of bringing one’s daughter a merry Christmas.
Swalb%515 about 11 years ago
Listen to Mom, Luann!
JayBluE about 11 years ago
“Brought to you” by…Sad Mop Stuffing…. “Helping families to “clean up” at dinner”…. “Don’t be sad, there’s always more!… As soon as you buy it, make some more and wait until you’re not full, anymore..” – Blue Eyes Suite Pounds…. “Featuring Blue Moon Doggies, and Yorkshire (Mint condition) Puppies!”….– and by…Ed’s Mopeds…. “Buy one…. Pleaaaaaase?….”
JayBluE about 11 years ago
This arc will feature one young and blossoming couple, a maturing (engaged) couple, and one very seasoned couple!…
barbarasbrute about 11 years ago
No, but Quill is living with them.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Why doesn’t Quill have to work on the Christmas play. on Christmas? Is this a special kind of Christmas play, that doesn’t open its run until New Year’s?
melmarsh9v about 11 years ago
So far, it has been established that Luann will be attending a local junior college, Delta is going to D.C., and Quill, Bernice and Gunther will be at Moony U. Has anything been said about Tiffany yet?
Editman about 11 years ago
I thought Mother DeGroot hated Toni.
Make Mine Marvel about 11 years ago
@editman: She did, but I seem to recall one strip, at least, where Nancy admitted to Toni that she’d misjudged her. Levi can probably cite the exact strip I’m talking about, but there’s been at least one reconciliation between those two, maybe more.
@melmarsh9v: Do we know that Quill, Bernice and Gunther will be at Moony U, or only that they’ve applied there?
Mikeyj about 11 years ago
I think it would make a good story if he’d already made plans to be with Gunther and his Mom and had to turn down the invitation
Mikeyj about 11 years ago
Tiff’s going to dealer school in Las Vegas.^^You mean she’s going to take pole dancing class… the perfect career for her
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Here…. lemme help ‘ya’ eliminate a couple of ‘em…. – couldn’t be (a)… well, it could be, seeing as how he reacted during his “orientation” there… of course, he still has to get the nerve to tell Nancy that she’s lost her “best cook” status… at which point, Quill will also lose his “status”, once Nancy decides to phone INS over some unpaid parking tickets… – (b) is not possible, since BBC America spent a gazillion hours with every conceivable "Dr. Who episode, movie, marathon ever made and available, upon the unveiling of the 50th anni special, and has probably shown enough to fill everyone’s fix for this year and the next 50 years… – © is not possible, since TJ would be using his… “profits”…. by celebrating two weeks of being up and running, by subsequently cooking and eating all of his inventory… – (e) I won’t even bother…. – It has to leave (d)… it best matches Luann’s grades, and is the first letter in (d)enial, (d)one, (d)iscuss, and (d)idn’t… four words that Quill is learning will be a part of his vocabulary, as last week shows… – (d) end..
watmiwori about 11 years ago
Did she fllunk out of pole-dancing skool?
piloti about 11 years ago
Tiff doesn’t need to go to school for what she’ll be dealing in Vegas.
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
Good parenting, Nancy!Now let’s see if it works out according to plan….
TORAD_07 about 11 years ago
Nice of Nancy to think of that solution, but I’d imagine it’s too late, by now. I’d have thought Quill would have his Xmas plans in order, already… dinner with his hosts, the Bergers, if nothing else. Furthermore, there seems to be an anomaly between today’s and yesterday’s (Sunday’s) strip. Today, Nancy says Brad and Toni will be over. But yesterday, they were over, only to drop off gifts and say they were going elsewhere (senior center, fireman’s ball, etc. etc.). ???
That said, I’m pretty sure Mr. Evans will execute some sort of “Deus ex Machina” moment and all will have a very happy holiday.
Y’all have one too! :)
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
I still don’t understand how Quill gets Christmas off. All the “Christmas plays” that I know of around here are staged throughout the holiday season, especially on Christmas Day itself. And with both Brad and Toni not working that shift, let’s home that Pitt has no fires that day either.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 11 years ago
OH, so You’re Gonna Eagerly Invite the Rich Foreign Guy to Dinner Only Because Your Befuddled Daughter Thinks He’s “Cute”, Uh?
You Invited Pretty Boy to Thanksgiving Dinner Once and THAT Didn’t Seem to Help Matters, Remember?
Are You Gonna Consult Frank with Your “Guest List” and See How HE Feels about Inviting Pretty Boy, Lady DeGroot? No, Of Course Not.What about Gunther and Ma DeGroot? Mr. Perfect is Staying with Them and to NOT Invite Them would be RUDE, as ChihuahuaMama suggested. Nah, THAT’S NOT Your Style.
What about the REAL Needy? You gonna Invite the Homeless? NOPE.
Hell What About Inviting US? WE Are the Ones That Help Make THIS the Most Popular Strip on GoComics With Our Fanatical Devotion and Insightful, Meaningful, Pulitzer Prize Winning Posts! What Are WE. Chopped Liver?!!?
I can See it Now: The DeGroot Clan Gathered around the Dinner Table Enjoying a Bountiful Christmas Dinner Consisting of Roast Duck, Dressing, And Figgy Pudding, While WE Stand outside in the Snow Dressed in Tatters with Our Sunken Grimy Faces Pressed against the window Staring in with Starvation and Envy.
Well NOT This Time!!! The REVOLUTION Is HERE!!We Will Smite the Imperialist Running Dogs, and Strip Them of Their ill Gotten Wealth and Give to High Ranking Members of Party! Oh, and the Poor!
Get Ready! You Guys Make the Snowballs and I’ll Get the COFFEE.
VIVA La Revolution, and Happy New Year Comrades!!
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Tiffany might leave Pitt upon graduation and just get a job in Hollywood, as a gofer (which she has done before) or as a waitress or sales clerk, while attending acting classes and auditioning for bit arts or for more modeling assignments, like that picture frame job. We also haven’t heard what Crystal’s plans are (probably Pitt CC with Luann?) or what others like Ox will be doing. Knute was born to clean the restrooms at Weenie World, so that’s pretty much a given.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Ha ha!….– Actually, I could see her doing something in the line of cosmetology, or a “beauty product sales” related thing… Sort of an "Uncle Rico’ from “Napoleon Dynamite”, in the vein of a former A-list high school-er, still trying to piece together that bit of “past glory”…. and though not a loser, still feeling like they were not living up to what they’d envisioned for themselves….
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
“You want FRIES with that? You WANT fries with THAT? YOU want fries WITH that? ….”
-It’s the second one. The emphasis is on what the customer wants. NOT on how awful the main course is, or how dumb the customer is….
ReneTray about 11 years ago
ReneTray about 11 years ago
ReneTray about 11 years ago
ReneTray about 11 years ago
That’s a possiblity.
EricPost about 11 years ago
I love how no one stops to ever consider how Quill feels being 10,000 miles from his loved ones.
Mneedle about 11 years ago
What if Quill says he can’t make it to Christmas dinner? He does seem to be losing interest.
Willow Mt Lyon about 11 years ago
Gunth’s mommy might have been looking forward to Quill being there for Christmas dinner, so it would be nice to invite her and Gunth, too. After all, it is just her and Gunth, and Quill is half a world away from his family. What a lovely Christmas dinner they could have together! Afterward Luann and Quill could sneek off for some quiet time together unnoticed by no one but Gunth.
sportbuff01 about 11 years ago
Quill will be too busy with miss mooney
notbornyesterday about 11 years ago
wait till Luann finds out Quill has made “other” plans….hey, a storyline is nothing without some tension right ?
notbornyesterday about 11 years ago
make that stripper school
notbornyesterday about 11 years ago
Everyone dumps on Tiffany, but she knows exactly what she wants, is never afraid to promote herself, always picks herself up from whatever setback befalls her; and that alone can take her a long way in life.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
If Quill misses family, he can jump into the ocean and swim home- I had no idea the guy was an Olympic athlete, in addition to being an aspiring actor and wanna-be cook.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
ha ha!
JayBluE about 11 years ago
During which time, he can “jump the sharks”….
Doctor11 about 11 years ago
Merry Christmas!
JayBluE about 11 years ago
No one said they were ,^Actually, she was responding to a comment as to why Gunther and his mom may not have beent invited by Nancy… least, at this time, that is….
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Didn’t know if you were aware of this, but “Hairspray”… “natural” are interesting choices of words to put together… not for the immediate subject, but for the oxymoronic interplay of the two words…..
TORAD_07 about 11 years ago
It isn’t Christmas yet.
True, but I’d wonder then why they would be “just dropping by” (and leaving their gifts) if they knew they’d be coming again for Xmas day dinner? Why not bring the gifts on the day itself?
Mikeyj about 11 years ago
Archie newspaper strip, Sunday page , by Bob Montana (Who created the character) THUMBNAIL, CLICK TO ENLARGE:
Mikeyj about 11 years ago
Perhaps she’ll grab the lead in a production of “Hairspray”? It would sound like a natural for her…!^^Tiff would have to go on a huge eating binge to play that part
diggitt about 11 years ago
At this late date? What a clueless bunch. Christmas dinner should have been high on everyone’s agenda by October. Luann is heading straight for oldmaidsville if she doesn’t get more thoughtful.
milania about 11 years ago
Oh boo hoo hoo
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Maybe Mrs. Berger has been planning the menu and buying ingredients for over a week now, to prepare a very special “all-American” Christmas dinner to make Quill feel welcome for his first Christmas in Pitt without his family and especially welcome in her home. And now Luann expects him just to say, “Sorry, Mrs. B., but I’ll be at the DeGroot’s home instead. I hope you and Gunther enjoy all that food you’ve been fixing!” Yeah, actually that is probably exactly what Luann expects.
GojusJoe about 11 years ago
I hope Quill declines the invitation and later Luann discovers that he spent Christmas with Tiffany. LOL. Just kidding.
TORAD_07 about 11 years ago
Naw, you’re not wrong – The southern drawl just didn’t seem to fit her. All of my family lives in Texas, but because we left there when I was under 2 years old, I never acquired the drawl.
Texas is it’s own dialect, as is Louisianna, Georgia, and pretty much all the others. ;-P
Roger your non-acquisition. :) I gravitate between “New Yawk” and “Suthuun” as I see fit. ;-PPP Funny… GHWB was born in Mass., grew up in Conn, but now lives in (and identifies with)Texas. How Kennebunk Port got in there is beyond. me… :)
bronzeskater about 11 years ago
Since the play is at least sponsored by Moony Uni, and isn’t a professional production, I would assume all involved are on break!
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
It used to be Revolution. Now they call it Jihad.
=They are not at all equivalents….
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Yes, it’s on the site.^And ArcaMax….
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Actually it’s now Craig Boldman and Fernando Ruiz (I liked some of Ruiz’ work on the comic books)…
JayBluE about 11 years ago
And apart from Rocky’s voice, also did all the girl characters, like Natasha and Nell’s voice from “Dudley”….
JayBluE about 11 years ago
And “Ronniekins”, in addition to everyone else calling her “Ron/Ronnie”….
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Yes, (and yes to the second one….still has stories in the book sized “comic digest” editions, too…)
JayBluE about 11 years ago
In case anyone didn’t know this, Archie Publications also owns the rights to “Richie Rich” and “Sonic”,….
Mordock999 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Luann said “We Should be together!”
Jefferson Airplane! BEST Song on the Album, “Volunteers!!!”
“UP Against the Wallllllll!!!!!”“Up Against the Wall, Mother……,” Uh, Um, Er, Cough.(Just HUM the Rest. Children Present)
Swalb%515 about 11 years ago
Yes, i remember that. It was a short-lived series. 40 episodes, from 1999-2000.
Mikeyj about 11 years ago
The Archie daily strip’s cartoonist died a couple of years ago, I believe, and now they seem to be re-running strips from about 20 years ago.
No, I think they do have someone doing it today. The team of Henry Scarpelli and Craig Boldman, I believe.^^Scarpelli died in 2010 so, I believe that Seismic is correct… The artist who created the Archie world, wrote and drew the newspaper strip from 1946 until his death in 1975; when it was taken over by Dan Decarlo, best known as the artist of the B&V comics; DeCarlo was fired by Archie comics, for trying to get the credit he deserved for creating Josie & the Pussycats and Sabrina; much as Montana never got credit for creating Archie in the first place. (The late owner of MLJ/Archie Comics, John L. Goldwater, always took the credit for ANYTHING his artists came up with
JayBluE about 11 years ago
I + DDDDDDD (another comment position rebus)…
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Sorry! Misspoke.. Dark Horse still owns them…. though another subsidiary puts them out… and only sporadically , at best… I ran across an issue with Maiyda Munny, and there were only one or two others in the past few years… – Archie (MLJ) of course still does Sonic, but replace R.R. with Mega Man….
JayBluE about 11 years ago
II shay!….