Matt Bors for October 08, 2007
The War On The War Against The Troops At War When one of our brave warriors is denigrated, it's up to a senator to denounce it with a meaningless resolution. Senator: members should have their TONGUES cut out! snip Democrats passionately petition against besmirching the troops while they're in a hellish quagmire. Democrat Man: We condemn the FAT PIG, Limbaugh! Democrat Man #2: He made a solider CRY! Sometimes soldiers themselves must be targeted for destruction. Soldier: I'm an ignorant 18-year-old HICK who joined the army so I could afford a new CAR STEREO. Soldier: I could care less about all this. Senator: A DISGRACEFUL attack on your own heroism! Democrat Man: I'll resolution your FACE in for that!