Matt Bors for November 07, 2007
Mitt Romney wants to unite America's "Free Trade" partners under the modest title of... The Reagan Zone of Economic Freedom Reagan: Zzz. While it may sound like a title for the ninth circle of Hell, the Reagan Zone will be on Earth's surface. It will include nations that want to put TAX CUTS into the Human Rights charter. The REAGAN ZONE Other regions will be known as the "Al Qaeda Zone of Socialist Hatred." CUBA Inside the "Reagan Zone," freedom-loving Contra death squads will come out of retirement to combat WELFARE QUEENS. Man: I'm from the government and I'm here to help! Those who CHOOSE to be poor will be floated out to sea on huge blocks of GOVERNMENT CHEESE. And an army of wage slaves will build a new monument worthy of their master...MOUNT POMPADOUR! Mini Mitt