Matt Bors for April 30, 2008
General Tommy Franks led the "SHOCK AND AWE" invasion of Iraq, then reitred. Now he has joined the corporate board of CHUCK E. CHEESE'S. General Tommy Franks: "There is something special about the sights and sounds of kids and parents enjoying themselves." Quote Most administration officials make their loot as war profiteers. If Franks expands the company into Iraq he'd be the first FUN PROFITEER! General Tommy Franks: There is no freedom without skee ball and pizza! After all, Iraqi parents deserve an annoying franchise that their children can drag them to every Friday. Child: Where a kid can be a kid! Hopefully Muqtada Al Sadr has offspring. Muqtada Al Sadr We need national reconciliation NOW. The closest Chuck E. Cheese's is in a SUNNI hood!