Matt Bors for June 10, 2009
The Bullet Bubble Ammunition prices have soared 400% since Obama took office. Gun nuts are doing ammo runs on Walmart! Man #1: Stock up 'fore the UN BANS 'EM! 9mm 100 9mm 100 9mm 100 It's a speculative frenzy driven by hearsay, gunpowder-backed securities and paranoia over "The New World Order." Man #2: I'm sittin' on more wealth than them Jew bankers! Bullets are so precious, militias are being priced out of the market. PATRIOT Man #3: I'd have to sell my house to afford a standoff with the ATF! Man #4: Catch-22! When Obama leaves office, the munitions market will crash, running speculators. Man #2: Obama didn't come for my arsenal... But the repo man did.