Every TV station I have heard of that advertised “News You Can Use” quickly rescinded that claim. The news broadcasts are getting more immature year by year. Someone who comes up with such a subject teaser has the mental maturity of maybe a 13 year old.
momofalex7 about 4 years ago
News teasers are really annoying. When they do mention something you want to hear about, they save it until the very end of the newscast.
jagedlo about 4 years ago
Only at five and six in your case, Ruthie…I don’t think they’ll allow you up for the 11’ o’clock killing…
walstib Premium Member about 4 years ago
OBH spin on the three ghosts of Christmas.
kv450 about 4 years ago
Reminds me of the Aggie who heard that most accidents occur within 5 miles of home, so he moved.
cracker65 about 4 years ago
News has turned into a reality show.
Jeff0811 about 4 years ago
Just do an internet search…“Ok, Google, what can kill me at 5,6 and 11?” (My guess the answer to the news guy’s question would be Radon.
drycurt about 4 years ago
Every TV station I have heard of that advertised “News You Can Use” quickly rescinded that claim. The news broadcasts are getting more immature year by year. Someone who comes up with such a subject teaser has the mental maturity of maybe a 13 year old.
rhpii about 4 years ago
I’ll go with Dr. Pepper at 10, 2 &4.
PPMKS about 4 years ago
That’s a reason why we only watch programs we’ve recorded. Another is to skip the commercials.
Stephen Gilberg about 4 years ago
Ruthie didn’t listen carefully. “Can” does not equal “will,” and “find out at” does not mean “it will happen at.”
Sailor46 USN 65-95 about 4 years ago
What we have now isn’t really news, it’s just digital national inquirer.