The dreaded ear worm, I usually have to drive it out by listening to Jethro Tull and Ernest Tubb at the same time. My brain is numb and scrambled after that.
Is it a good tune or an annoying tune, Charlie Brown? And if annoying, is it at least something you can tolerate for a while or something so bad you just want to take and blow up the studio that produced it?
Templo S.U.D. almost 2 years ago
Although it predates Sesame Street, it reminds me of a song therefrom.
ArcticFox Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Like me, Charlie is obviously not an aficionado of classical music.
Jesy Bertz Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Schroeder was lucky he never heard that f@#&ing “Kars-for-Kids” jingle.
The Reader Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Roll Over Beethoven!
NoDice almost 2 years ago
Usually, if someone refers to Brahms’ second, it’s Symphony No. 2. Here, it must be the Piano Concerto No. 2.
Ol' me almost 2 years ago
and here it is, starting where the piano goes “deedle deedle deedle…”
The Orange Mailman almost 2 years ago
Charlie Brown must have Old McDonald Had A Farm stuck in his head.
Wichita1.0 almost 2 years ago
Gee, I had no idea Baby Shark was so dynamic!
Kaputnik almost 2 years ago
Charlie Brown doesn’t listen to Brahms so much, but I bet he knows this piece by Mozart.
gantech almost 2 years ago
With ol’ Chuck, it was probably the theme music to ’Davie Crockett".
Just-me almost 2 years ago
The dreaded ear worm, I usually have to drive it out by listening to Jethro Tull and Ernest Tubb at the same time. My brain is numb and scrambled after that.
Saddenedby Premium Member almost 2 years ago
thanks to the “diamond Lil” strip mine goes “IT’S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL, IT’S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL………UGH”
I❤️Peanuts almost 2 years ago
I think through Schroeder Sparky was always telling us which pieces of classical music he most loved. A lovely glimpse of his feelings and his world.
Izzy Moreno almost 2 years ago
Man, I hate when I get Brahm’s third racket stuck in my mind.
knight1192a almost 2 years ago
Is it a good tune or an annoying tune, Charlie Brown? And if annoying, is it at least something you can tolerate for a while or something so bad you just want to take and blow up the studio that produced it?