Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for December 28, 2003
"Leading off the news tonight, six Israeli children died early today when the bus they were riding in exploded in downtown Jerusalem." "They were little kids.. with backpacks filled with sandwiches and juice and gym shoes and math books." "They had bedrooms with posters of race cars and soccer players, and they had unmade beds with Spiderman sheets." "they had little sisters and dentist appointments and cats and jeans with holes in the knee." "They took piano lessons on Tuesday and spent Sunday afternoons with their Dads, who made them hold hands whenever they crossed a street." "And on the wall of the hall to their bedrooms was a long line of photos, with each of their annual school pictures placed chronologically..." "...By a mom.." "Who kissed her son goodbye that morning and watched him board the bus..." "...That exploded in downtown Jerusalem."
slimbrownweed over 13 years ago
completely pointless
metropolitan gnome over 13 years ago
more commemorative, I’m thinking.
Oxnate about 13 years ago
Best Comic Strip Ever.
tigre1 about 13 years ago
Here it is January 2012 and I’m reading this. Thanks Pastis.
explorser over 12 years ago
Pointless, stupid, unfunny, controversial, and lovable. Thanks Pastis
Austria over 12 years ago
I believe this was just Made to remember them…
bigrabbit about 12 years ago
And now, relevant again. Less abstract when it’s closer to home.
draconic lady about 11 years ago
This was touching and I couldn’t help but cry eleven years after the fact.
hihumans almost 11 years ago
Wait, what’s the joke here?
GAT17 over 9 years ago
All the more meaning after the attacks in Paris.
mail2jbl about 9 years ago
Another controversial strip.
kaffekup almost 9 years ago
When this was printed in our local fishwrapper, I wrote to thank Stephan. He actually wrote back to ask me to thank the paper for carrying it, which of course I did. I assumed he had gotten some blowback for it.
GoodGollieMizMollie over 8 years ago
Thank you, Stephan Pastis.
Graham.F.Knapp2019 almost 8 years ago
:,‘,’| wow hit me rigt there im cryin’
Kombul Premium Member almost 8 years ago
And the same story could be told about Palestinian kids
Phil (full phname Philip Philop) over 7 years ago
i82muchwing almost 7 years ago
this means so much to me id never wan’t to lose my brother or sister
DarthRevan almost 7 years ago
Stupid gocomics won’t let me favorite the best pearls strip.
Jason fox is god over 6 years ago
The point of this strip is to show that what happens on the news happens to real people. Also, no matter what you think, this strip is sad and I want to cry now.
Jeff Dawg! about 6 years ago
Heart breaking
BOSFLASH almost 6 years ago
Well commemorated.
digestedturnip almost 6 years ago
this strip really makes you think about the people who died, had lives and happy families
iancairne almost 5 years ago
Read this one. No problem. Read it to a friend and I had trouble not crying.
Harry J. Adams over 4 years ago
Methinks this is a strip that will sadly remain timeless.
davez over 1 year ago
If only the news was reported like this, terrorism might end.
octgold over 1 year ago
Twenty years later. Still sad.
Jim Crigler about 1 year ago
Sadly relevant 20 years later