Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for April 16, 2016

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 9 years ago

    I guess Neighbor Bob gave up on his triathlete training.

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  2. Hellcat
    knight1192a  almost 9 years ago

    Yeah Neighbor Bob, you’ve been hanging out with Pig way too much.

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 9 years ago

    Methinks you did ruin the moment, Bob.

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  4. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  almost 9 years ago

    Bob, you will soon hear the pitter-patter of little feet. Your wife is fooling around with a midget.

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  5. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  almost 9 years ago

    @ Gweedo:Good stiff drink reserved for Bob, not his wife, under the circumstances…..

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  6. I yam who i yam
    Kind&Kinder  almost 9 years ago

    Sorry, Bob. Denial won’t help.

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    unclebob53703 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Why are all the dorks in comic strips named Bob?

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    danfromfreddybeach  almost 9 years ago

    @Bob All if the names in the strip are taken from names of family and friends of Stephan. I would expect that he has a friend named Bob that he likes to poke fun at.

    Either that or every names Bob is a dork. Case in point: the movie What About Bob?

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    juicebruce  almost 9 years ago

    Bob perhaps one of the Crocs can help you out with this one :-)

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    eddie6192  almost 9 years ago

    I don’t think that dumb Pig has any clue.

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    Chad Cheetah  almost 9 years ago

    How did neighbor bob get so much fatter in a few short days?

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  12. Andi   silhouette
    JudyAz  almost 9 years ago

    Didn’t Microsoft have something named Bob a few years back?

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    e.groves  almost 9 years ago

    My middle name is Bob. Some Bobs are not dorks. Bob Newhart, Billy Bob Thornton, Bob the Builder, Bob Hope.

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    garcoa  almost 9 years ago

    I was going to be named Bob, but an aunt & uncle gave their boy that name, so my mother had to find a new name. I am thankful she gave me a less common name.

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  15. 00712 whiteheron
    whiteheron  almost 9 years ago

    If Bobette is anything like Bob, it gives new meaning to the “bumping ugly” cliché.

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    Kaputnik  almost 9 years ago

    Obviously more than one Bob in the neighborhood. If you’re talking to both of them at the same time, maybe you add the house number to the name, Neighbor Bob722, neighbor Bob719.

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  17. Grandpa hef
    Jeff0811  almost 9 years ago

    My wife once complained she “works her ass off” around here, and no one else helps. That night I had a dream I was spinning my wedding ring like you do with a coin, it went off the table edge, and was lost forever. I told my wife about it, and that since my ring represents our marriage, I was going to start taking her more seriously so I don’t lose her. I should have stopped there.

    I did have one question for her though. I asked her, “If you worked your ass off, why is it still there?”

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  18. Andi   silhouette
    JudyAz  almost 9 years ago

    When I was in college there was this fat kid named Bob. Everyone called him Blob. Strangely enough, he didn’t mind.

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    iantheevil  almost 9 years ago

    When I was young I spoiled plenty of moments with girlfriends/potential girlfriends because I couldn’t resist making a wisecrack. Luckily I outgrew it or I’d probably still be single.

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    Number Three  almost 9 years ago

    So… Congratulations then?


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  21. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 9 years ago

    This Neighbor Bob is Bob the Fat Clueless Dork. Maybe his wife will wise him up a bit (as in, tune him up). Though, since she is in a “delicate condition,” maybe she can just hire out the job….

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    rgcviper  almost 9 years ago

    A sharp one, that Neighbor Bob.

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    HowieL  almost 9 years ago

    There’s a great a cappella group called, of course, The Bobs. See naturally!

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