I was stationed at Pearl Harbor and I didn’t know about the time delay on games. I am in the car and hear football results. I get back to the barracks and blurt them out. Then I notice the game is on the TV and only in the first half. I was not very popular that day, LOL!
It’s fun to go to a restaurant where they have a big game on all the TVs, preferably delayed further on satellite, then listen to the game on the radio a good 10 – 15 seconds ahead of time. I know something you don’t know.
BE THIS GUY about 7 years ago
Pig, tell Rat the final score and ruin it for him.
Adiraiju about 7 years ago
Sure you do, you have the power to put up with Rat for a long time! Know anyone else who can do that?
Sherlock Watson about 7 years ago
So tell us, Future Man, how many days until The Rump is tarred, feathered, and kicked out of the White House?
chris_weaver about 7 years ago
Behold, the great Nostrapigus!
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 7 years ago
I am the Man from the Past. I know the future. This is it.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 7 years ago
I was stationed at Pearl Harbor and I didn’t know about the time delay on games. I am in the car and hear football results. I get back to the barracks and blurt them out. Then I notice the game is on the TV and only in the first half. I was not very popular that day, LOL!
wllilly1960 about 7 years ago
…Yeah, but did the Warriors kneel or stand up for the Anthem?:-)
F-Flash about 7 years ago
Pignac or is carpig?
Radish... about 7 years ago
Knowledge is power Pig, you should have charged Rat a beer to not tell him the outcome.
marshalljpeters Premium Member about 7 years ago
Pig is not from the future. The game has already happened. Rat is just living in the past.
Ermine Notyours about 7 years ago
It’s fun to go to a restaurant where they have a big game on all the TVs, preferably delayed further on satellite, then listen to the game on the radio a good 10 – 15 seconds ahead of time. I know something you don’t know.
Gent about 7 years ago
Hey look, it’s Power Pig..!! Hey wait…
Sisyphos about 7 years ago
Relax, Pig! We think you’re super, even without super powers!
(But Rat was right, yet again….)
Swirls Before Pine about 7 years ago
You do have a superpower, Pig. The power of “SUPERSPOILERS!”
Duck maniac about 7 years ago
ND Cool Z about 6 years ago
The future is still the present!