Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for January 14, 2013

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    sulser  about 12 years ago

    time and age are very subjective

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    luducks  about 12 years ago


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    kaykeyser  about 12 years ago

    I wounder how one celibates a Unicorn Anniversary? BTW your not old until some one says your TV show that you watched as a teenager was on when they were 7 or the show you saw when you were 7 was on before there time

    How DARE any one NOT grow up on Star Wars, He-Man, Thundercats, Real Ghostbusters, and Super Mario. and if you say about Gargoyles or Digimon “It was on when I was a kid” then you best be getting off my lawn and stop playing with your new fangled ear-pods and listening to that . Justin Beaver! Dang blasted kids an dare snoop dog and spinning tops and Eye Phones What’s the world comming too when ya’ll don’t know Cartoon All Stars or the power glove? You and your new fangled Skyward Sword,Mario Galexy back in my day we had 16 bits and we LIKED it! We had to walk 15 miles in the snow to a block buster to RENT our games and our VHS, none of this Blue Ray junk and we did it our velcrow and air pumps not these spoony roller skates that pop out the bottom and all them dar flashing lights on shoose these days. I miss real singers like Weird Al and good quality movies like Naked Gun you and your Addam Sandler can’t touch that.

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    Q4horse  about 12 years ago

    So far she is aging in real time. That means in about seven years (or less) she will be to old to associate with a unicorn.

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  5. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  about 12 years ago

    I get wistful when I see kids’ gap-tooth smiles in pictures. That’s when you can’t ignore the child is really growing up.

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    neatslob Premium Member about 12 years ago

    It’s been a little less than nine months. That’s a significant percent of your life when you’re Phoebe’s age.

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    John W Kennedy Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Howdy Doody and Pinky Lee, Range Rider, Davy Crockett, and the Lone Ranger.

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    Paul of Eugene  about 12 years ago

    There’s absolutely no reason why an adult can’t be friends with a unicorn. Indeed, maybe Phoebe’s parents could have a few chats with Marigold . . . Can Marigold play chess with Dad?

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    ThomasKDye  about 12 years ago

    “Remember yesterday? When we had that broccoli and cheddar soup with Club crackers? Dang, that seems like ages ago.”

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    Comic Minister Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Actually you threw a rock at the unicorn.

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    StrangerCoug  about 12 years ago

    I STILL think a good part of you is young and innocent, Phoebe.

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    Coyoty Premium Member about 12 years ago

    You’re never too old to associate with a unicorn.

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    larryrhoades  about 12 years ago

    Well, this one is a pretty good cartoon.(I don’t even remember being 50 something.)

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    Ironhold  about 12 years ago

    “The Hub”.[]Did you see that they had a full eight-hour (give or take) Animaniacs mini-marathon on Christmas Eve?

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    Tim Harrod Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Dana: However you’re uploading your strips, there’s got to be an easier way.

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    NWdryad  about 12 years ago

    Hey, Britney Spears still plays with unicorns…

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  17. John w kennedy 2010 square
    John W Kennedy Premium Member about 12 years ago

    I remember when, as NBC was startig to show color programs around 1953–4, the promos, starting weeks before, would explain that, yes, you could watch the show on your B&W set, even though it was a color show. (That’s because the /first/ experimental color system, from CBS, couldn’t do that, which in turn is why the FCC chose NBC’s system instead of CBS’s. And /that/ is why CBS went into a snit and almost never showed anything in color—except “The Wizard of Oz”—until 1965, the year that NBC started showing everything in color, and CBS and ABC had to follow suit or look stupid.

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