Panel 3: You’re still the star of a 7 year old webcomic with a title change* that has since been added to some newspapers (I think, but then never had the luck of seeing Spider-Man strips when I did get them:-(), has had 11 volumes of publication with reprints and a couple of exclusive story with a 12 book due**, an activity book and even a pillow.*
So before and after you’re pretty marketable is what I’m saying.
*Top billing to boot.
**September last I checked if plans aren’t changed.
I had that experience once when I was singing in a ridiculous number of choirs in the second half of 20, running around at great speed until the end of my last gig in December, then dead halt. It was most disconcerting.
codycab over 4 years ago
That’s show business, Phoebe. Sorry.
Averagemoe over 4 years ago
By the way, I’ve started recording for that video game I mentioned way at the start of the arc.
Damaged over 4 years ago
She was method acting! For those weeks she was Yoony the Unicorn.
Jungle Empress over 4 years ago
Well, Marigold’s not wrong.
if(comicStrip == "funny") {return "laughter";} over 4 years ago
If dakota heard that…. yOu’Re NoT tHe StAr I aM!!
Antiyonder over 4 years ago
Panel 3: You’re still the star of a 7 year old webcomic with a title change* that has since been added to some newspapers (I think, but then never had the luck of seeing Spider-Man strips when I did get them:-(), has had 11 volumes of publication with reprints and a couple of exclusive story with a 12 book due**, an activity book and even a pillow.*
So before and after you’re pretty marketable is what I’m saying.
*Top billing to boot.
**September last I checked if plans aren’t changed.
Any other merchandise I’m unaware of?
stellanova87 over 4 years ago
I hope Phoebe can fill that void with something creative and not destructive.
David Wolfson Premium Member over 4 years ago
Like Phoebe, I first discovered this phenomenon when my school plays closed, but it has persisted throughout life. I call it “post-project letdown.”
Setriuno Premium Member over 4 years ago
Unicorn literal-mindedness again
Aladar30 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Looks painful.
scyphi26 over 4 years ago
I wonder if this is a real problem method actors have…
mistie710 over 4 years ago
Did she get to keep the horn and tail, though?
jbarnes over 4 years ago
Did she ever actually get to be Yoony the Unicorn in the play, though, or did the director cut it after the tiff on stage thinly disguised as improv?
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
In the words of Eurythmics: Be yourself tonight, Phoebe.
khcm1157 over 4 years ago
‘Play Post-partum Depression’ is not uncommon.
craigwestlake over 4 years ago
You don’t know who you really are? Just call the FBI, they have a complete file…
NyahNyahNyah over 4 years ago
I used to have a tee shirt that I must have worn to death. It sort’a expresses Phoebe’s feelings and what the commentors here are saying, too:
“I’m in search of myself!Have you seen me anywhere?"
aardvark86au over 4 years ago
I had that experience once when I was singing in a ridiculous number of choirs in the second half of 20, running around at great speed until the end of my last gig in December, then dead halt. It was most disconcerting.
jerrica.benton333 over 3 years ago
every time they say “Yooony” i think of Tara Strong in Final Fantasy X2
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 9 months ago
At least it wasn’t a total bomb! :P