A snow shovel can have many other uses. It can be used with a rake for picking up fallen leaves. It can be used like a dustpan for sweeping up debris from an area.
We actually have a family tradition. After Thanksgiving, we take the porch pumpkins down to the creek and throw them in. Raccoons are appreciative. We call it” The Tossing O’ the Pumpkins” ceremony. Seriously. (I now return you to silly comments)
C over 3 years ago
You should be doing that in spring
allen@home over 3 years ago
If you’re lucky. The neighbor kids will chunk it out into the street.
eromlig over 3 years ago
We just remove the candle and wait for the raccoons.
Zykoic over 3 years ago
$20/pumpkin. No pumpkins this year.
momofalex7 over 3 years ago
The pumpkin is already rotting the day after Halloween? They must have gotten it very early.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 3 years ago
Is this a part of Festivus that I missed?
Doug K over 3 years ago
A snow shovel can have many other uses. It can be used with a rake for picking up fallen leaves. It can be used like a dustpan for sweeping up debris from an area.
Ubintold over 3 years ago
My son grew some pumpkins. We had them on the front step until some animal tore into them. I guess they must have been pretty tasty.
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 3 years ago
He wasn’t carveful, pulled a back muscle.
Lee26 Premium Member over 3 years ago
We had 5" of Halloween snow a few years back. Not fun. Wayyyyyy too early!
Bill The Nuke over 3 years ago
Been there, done that.
WCraft Premium Member over 3 years ago
We actually have a family tradition. After Thanksgiving, we take the porch pumpkins down to the creek and throw them in. Raccoons are appreciative. We call it” The Tossing O’ the Pumpkins” ceremony. Seriously. (I now return you to silly comments)
Darryl Heine over 3 years ago
But there has to be snow on the ground first!
admiree2 over 3 years ago
Large pumpkins were $4. Other option was to take a trip to a farm for photos, walk the corn maze and pay $3 a pumpkin for any size you choose.
Anyone who paid $20 for a pumpkin must have also gotten a bill of sale showing that it included ownership of a toll bridge.