Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs for October 25, 2020

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    Out of the Past  over 4 years ago

    Thank goodness mass murder is as legal on the island as it was in Africa. Otherwise, there could be hurt feelings.

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  2. Video snapshot
    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I always enjoyed the part of Tarzan the Untamed where he would use his grass rope to lasso bad guys by the neck and silently haul them up into the trees.

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  3. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 4 years ago

    Tarzan moves silently as a jungle cat and strikes with the strength of ten bull elephants.

    — Old jungle saying.

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  4. Matrim
    flashdrive1988  over 4 years ago

    Shades of Jurassic Park! The power is down!

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  5. Downloadfile
    Guilty Bystander  over 4 years ago

    RAM is just a memory now (and a random one, at that).

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  6. Grey justice
    SKJAM! Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Any time you’re up against “only one man” the odds are against you.

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  7. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 4 years ago

    One by one, asset by asset, the odds even.

    Then, silence, Quarrel’s beating heart (for now beating; maybe not so much, later), and …SURPRISE!

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    WoodstockJack  over 4 years ago

    Hypothetically, if I were sitting in my island stronghold and the generator goes out, and then my gang of bodyguard/mercenaries starts screaming and going silent … well, my first apprehension would probably not be, “Hey, there’s a naked guy with a knife invading my island.”

    I mean, I would assume invasion by a rival gazillionare industrialist psychopath, or a foreign government attempting to Bin Laden me, or even the gendarmes come to inquire about the local taxes I have been evading … but not a naked guy with a knife.


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  9. Hacking dog original
    J Short  over 4 years ago

    He was warned he should buy more RAM.

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  10. Hacking dog original
    J Short  over 4 years ago

    For maximum security, always leave open the door to your electrical generator; the same thing you did with the front gate. Was their security set up by Julia Pierson?

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    Old Comic Strip Lover  over 4 years ago

    There should be a counter in the bottom right hand corner of each frame in the strip giving us the current body count. It would help us keep track better.

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    Jefano Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Gil Kane fans shouldn’t miss this chance to revisit the story in which he (inked by Wally Wood, scripted by Mike Friedrich, concept by Joe Orlando) hilariously sends up his own frequent complaints about how much better comic book artists usually are than comic book writers:


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    Polsixe  over 4 years ago

    Quarrel doesn’t keep a handgun at least? just a clunky old flashlight. He’s really paying the price for hurting the monkey.

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    profkatz  over 4 years ago

    I give this sad predictable tale another week, or two………….

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  15. The wanderer
    anomaly  over 4 years ago

    The best security system money can buy would undoubtedly include a panic room that Tarzan’s muscles and knife couldn’t penetrate.

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