Today’s cartoon comes courtesy of the week when the system was down. You folks remember that, right? It was crazy. So, while Skynet did its thing and tried to send Terminators back to kill all our moms and we couldn’t get the cartoons to the right place at the right time, the heroes at AM/gocomics picked out some choice cartoons for your enjoyment and edification. Take THAT, Skynet.
Algolei I about 2 years ago
I wouldn’t have done that, and I am unanimous in that.
Doctor Toon about 2 years ago
I have no patience
That about covers it
gregcartoon Premium Member about 2 years ago
Today’s cartoon comes courtesy of the week when the system was down. You folks remember that, right? It was crazy. So, while Skynet did its thing and tried to send Terminators back to kill all our moms and we couldn’t get the cartoons to the right place at the right time, the heroes at AM/gocomics picked out some choice cartoons for your enjoyment and edification. Take THAT, Skynet.
Milady Meg about 2 years ago
Most letters to advice columnists are the same.
brick10 about 2 years ago
Or “I wish I’d done?”
car2ner about 2 years ago
This sums up pretty much was I was explaining about Twitter. I wish I could go back and simply point to this strip. Thanks!
ToborRedrum about 2 years ago
I thought most complaints boiled down to, “Stop liking what I don’t like.”