Apparently, the problem in teaching algebra is in teaching people what it is. You use algebra every time you figure out your mileage, your budget, how much paint to buy for the rec room … maybe the glorious declaration should be “Lived my whole life without knowing a damn thing!”
KA7DRE Premium Member about 10 years ago
Same Here !
cheap_day_return about 10 years ago
61 years, and algebra free!
Michael Peterson Premium Member about 10 years ago
Apparently, the problem in teaching algebra is in teaching people what it is. You use algebra every time you figure out your mileage, your budget, how much paint to buy for the rec room … maybe the glorious declaration should be “Lived my whole life without knowing a damn thing!”
J Short about 10 years ago
Obviously, he didn’t work for NASA.
Toonerific about 10 years ago
Lucky you – I use it every day and wish I remembered more of it…
eddie6192 about 10 years ago
He’ll never know what X equaled.
Zen-of-Zinfandel about 10 years ago
It all adds up!
SwimsWithSharks about 10 years ago
What are the odds…
puddlesplatt about 10 years ago
now they don’t teach spelling, or what words mean, sea wat i meeen
LingeeWhiz about 10 years ago
It’s even worse now in USA. Kids have to learn Common Core math!
shadyguy about 10 years ago
80 years here!
Digital Frog about 10 years ago
You’ve never looked at your X and wondered Y?
katzenbooks45 about 10 years ago
Maybe I use algebra, but if I don’t know that I’m using it, I’d suggest I was NOT taught algebra.
pierreandnicole about 10 years ago
Or brushing your teeth.
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
No comment…
DanReynolds about 10 years ago
I got a shot for that. Unfortunately, they gave me a live virus.
Erichalfbee about 10 years ago
I used it to scale stuff, as a woodturner.
Jim Kerner about 10 years ago
I was the all time Algebra champ from my high school. Repeating it twice, Took in summer school. I even had a tutor. No luck.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member about 10 years ago
I’m still trying to find a use for all that transcendental calculus I learned in college.
Bargrove about 10 years ago
Well, he’ll soon be X himself.