Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 13, 2015
Second in a series of Corporatocracy information brochures your corporate overlords working for you! Your Corporatoctacy Commands you to Love your country Humans have a primal drive for tribalism. And we have found it profitable too exploit that! Fight! when it is determined that the Corporatocracy's interests must be asserted overseas, FEEL that surge of patriotism and GO RISK YOUR LIVES for our profits. PAY! Yes, while your tax dollars will pay for the glorious war, we in the Corporatocracy will reap[ huge windfall profit by selling the machines of war to the government. STAND! And when the government pays your local sports corporation to honor a veteran at a sporting event, RISE from your seat in patriotic gratitude. RAISE your container of branded fermented jobs, and FEEL a surge of pride for your nation and for you local ritualized tribal warfare surrogate team of athletes. SO -- PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE T YOUR COUNTRY! STAND BESIDE HER! we will redomiciale to another country the moment the tax cost/benfit shits. AND: Go fighting Ritualized - tribal - warfare - surrogates!
carlosrivers over 9 years ago
now that we’ve rightfully honored the veterans, an idea comes to mind…i would like to see a day where police, firemen, teachers, plumbers,politicians, whomever, thank US for PAYING FOR IT ALL! I"m tired of thanking everyone for choosing their job! No one thanks the people who pay for it through their taxes, they just keep holding their hands out!!!
pumaman over 9 years ago
Government employees pay taxes too.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 9 years ago
The sad thing is, this kind of satire has zero effect on the the people it satirizes. They dismiss it as silly propaganda, and carry on. You can only reach the people who already think as you do.
gigagrouch over 9 years ago
Too close to the truth to be funny.Well put, Rubin.
kevin87031 over 9 years ago
Outstanding job, Ruben!But I still like my teams.
Christopher Shea over 9 years ago
ahem. The stuff we drink is branded fermented malt. The hops are just there for flavor and preservation. Also, my favored brand of fermented malt is better than your favored brand.
3pibgorn9 over 9 years ago
So God is on the side of your fermented malt, eh?
gene06825 Premium Member over 9 years ago
OMG. Too funny. Loved the part about Pledge of Allegiance and redomiciling to another country the moment the tax cost / benfit shifts!
Kip W over 9 years ago
(Speaking directly into the potted plant): I DO LOVE MY COUNTRY. BOY HOWDY, I’D MARRY IT IF I COULD!
Linguist over 9 years ago
I’ll match my democratically elected despot against your democratically elected despot, any day !
jpozenel over 9 years ago
Merica !!
pgomes over 9 years ago
Says the guy who is syndicated and gets his paycheck from the same multi-million dollar publishing corporation that’s the main syndicator of Ann Coulter and Maggie Gallagher and countless conservative editorial cartoonists, makes a load of dosh on printing material like calendars and game books with intellectual properties licensed from beer companies and sports teams, and has charitable contributions to vets groups in the Kansas City area.
Yeah, you go and show the sheeple how much better human being you are than they are, Reuben…
mjnyc over 9 years ago
Mr. Bolling has hit the nail rather hard on the head this time.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 9 years ago
Hops doesn’t ferment, it’s the barley malt.
Grover Premium Member over 9 years ago
I sense that there is a subtle political point being made here, but it is so superfine and understated that I’m afraid it is beyond my spider senses.