Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for January 13, 2017
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling The Donald Trump Mysteries TRUMP TOWER Donald Trump: The Democrats were hacked?! Only I can solve the mystery! Donald Trump: I know all about the Cyber! It's very important, the Cyber, so important! Donald Trump: I've got a hunch. Get me a list of all 400-pound guys in New Jersey! The game is afoot! Donald Trump: Of course, the only sure way is to catch a hacker in the act, his hands in your computer! Hi, Vlad. Donald Trump: Now get me a list of the 400-pound guys who use their computer on their bed! Get on it!! Donald Trump: Hmm, Julian Assange said a 14-year-old could have done it! Vladimir Putin: Sign here, initial here. Donald Trump: So get me a list of all 14-year-olds who Cyber. Now!! I want answers! Donald Trump: Who?? Who could have done it?? Vladimir Putin: Da, just call me on this number. The Cyber for Dummies Aide: Sir, this hack was part of a widespread phishing attack targeting military and government individuals in Russia, Ukraine, and the U.S., authors writing about Russia, aerospace, and military spouses... Donald Trump: Wait!! I've got it!! Are there any 400-pound 14-year-olds in New Jersey?! ON BEDS?? Donald Trump: Get me a list of all of them who do the Cyber!! Vladimir Putin: Invade here, oil field here... Next Week on "The Donald Trump Mysteries" Donald Trump: Sometimes I wonder if this mystery can every be solved. Vladimir Putin: Go sleep now, my lisichka.
ART Thompson Premium Member about 8 years ago
“Are you sure you really want to read the whole comic? ’ Then click on this stupid bar like a lab rat and we’ll show you the rest. I don’t get it, and it’s pissing me off.
carlosrivers about 8 years ago
this is acurate
NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 8 years ago
The next 4 years will be reminiscent of Moe, Larry and Curly, for sure. The thing is a lot of real people will be hurt.
Melki Premium Member about 8 years ago
The whole thing is entirely believable, EXCEPT the panel where Trump is reading a book.That would NEVER happen.
Linguist about 8 years ago
As I have told you all for the past two years: Be Afraid, Be VERY Afraid !
Malcolm Hall about 8 years ago
What was that song from “Nashville?” “I don’t care that we ain’t free. It don’t bother me.” It looks like oligarchy is the public-preferred governance model now, so let’s all learn to love it.
BeBadenov Premium Member about 8 years ago
“Round up the usual suspects. Except for the ones speaking Russian.”
puddleglum1066 about 8 years ago
Here is my problem: I know tRump is a compulsive liar and (despite this) unfit to be president. But I also know James Clapper is a proven serial liar (see his many false statements about Iraq’s WMDs, or Saddam’s connection to 9/11, or his statement under oath that the NSA wasn’t vacuuming up our emails). So why should I believe him when he says the Russians ate the election… especially when a close look at the vote results indicates that the Democrats simply ran an awful, inept campaign and managed to lose to a guy who got only slightly more votes than Mitt Romney did four years ago?
jpozenel about 8 years ago
I’ve heard that there is a 10 year old living in midtown Manhattan that is a real whiz with the Cyber. Maybe he could be named the head of all U.S. cyber security? Make sense?
Funny_Ha_Ha about 8 years ago
I didn’t think this was funny when Bolling posted it ten years ago.
phredturner about 8 years ago
Putin’s bimbo