Adult Children by Stephen Beals for March 20, 2025

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    seanfear  8 days ago

    I say, first things first ā€¦ how about training him how to get a proper hair cut first?

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    macky87  8 days ago

    Iā€™m sure itā€™s just a coincidence but the grocery store that I shop at just did a remodel on a big section near the back. One of the things thatā€™s changed is where the eggs are. A couple of women I talked to were worried when they couldnā€™t find the eggs, so I showed them. The timing is ā€˜oddā€™ how it matches this comic.

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  3. Kyon facepalm
    davidob  8 days ago

    Costco and Samā€™s Club reposition every quarter to force people to go the aisles.

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    Melki Premium Member 8 days ago

    I always used to make it a point to loudly greet all those customers who said, ā€œIā€™m never shopping here again!ā€ when I saw them return the following week.

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    Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member 8 days ago

    Great one, Stephen.

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    dbrucepm  8 days ago

    A customer that complains and comes back is better than the ones that donā€™t say a word and never come back again. Some people just like to grumble.

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    ladykat Premium Member 8 days ago

    The store where I shop hasnā€™t done a remodel in a while. Itā€™s probably due to happen again, just to confuse me.

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    RadioDial Premium Member 8 days ago

    ..stab them with your eyes, Bennett, just your eyes..

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 8 days ago

    Thatā€™s it Bennett keep smilingā€¦..Tabby will bring you some pop corn to sooth your jawā€¦..

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member 7 days ago

    Oh oh. Is this a preview of what will transpire when GoComics does its ā€œupgradeā€?

    My big question isā€¦. will our original year price that we paid allow us to continue as a ā€œPremium Memberā€ through the length of time we purchased the year, or come April will we lose out on the remainder of our time and be instructed to re-up at the new rate immediately?

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    Thehag  7 days ago

    I retired from retail plant nursery industry and have wondered why I started reading a comic with this theme. I now realize itā€™s helping me feel the relief of not having to deal with any of that stuff again. And to remember the good people I dealt with.

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    John Lamb Premium Member 7 days ago

    Please donā€™t let the door hit you on your way out.

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    LoveBritTV Premium Member 7 days ago

    It is not a threat. Usually itā€™s more of a promise that is likely to be broken within a month. As @Melki said above, I would be sure to greet them loudly when I next saw them in the store. (It was generally only a week or so later.)

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