A few years ago, a friend on mine got to do 3 other people’s work after they were “Reduced in Force” and never replaced. In spite of her Manager’s Promises.
Nothing like being on Salary, working 60 hours a week, and getting a bad evaluation for not being able to keep up with 4 people’s workload.
They kept doing it because she had enough Seniority that they would owe her a Boatload of Money unless they could force her to Quit of her own free will.
Lucy Rudy almost 5 years ago
I used to have that problem.
amethyst52 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Never let them know how much you know or can do.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 5 years ago
The Curse of Competence is commonplace.
laughingkitty almost 5 years ago
The more you do, the more they want you to do even more. I know that all too well.
The Reader Premium Member almost 5 years ago
and if you don’t do it very well, do they get someone else to do yours?
Pet almost 5 years ago
The less you do, the less people expect from you.
At this point, people are amazed I can walk and chew gum at the same time ;)
milkweed6410 almost 5 years ago
Been there, done that
dflak almost 5 years ago
Job security. Do it for 15 or so years and they will lay you off.
1953Baby almost 5 years ago
At least you know it gets done right.
jbrobo Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Sometimes you can give the laziest person the toughest job and they’ll find the easiest way to do it.
Michael G. almost 5 years ago
No good deed goes unpunished. Also, incompetence seeks its own level. And inevitably finds it. On top of your skull.
Marvin Premium Member almost 5 years ago
That doesn’t apply to you, dear Aunty.
amaneaux almost 5 years ago
In prison, good behavior is rewarded with time off. At the office, it’s rewarded with more work.
cuzinron47 almost 5 years ago
I got even with them, I retired.
bakana almost 5 years ago
A few years ago, a friend on mine got to do 3 other people’s work after they were “Reduced in Force” and never replaced. In spite of her Manager’s Promises.
Nothing like being on Salary, working 60 hours a week, and getting a bad evaluation for not being able to keep up with 4 people’s workload.
They kept doing it because she had enough Seniority that they would owe her a Boatload of Money unless they could force her to Quit of her own free will.
DebUSNRet almost 5 years ago
For some reason, my replies to comments aren’t going where they should.