Aunty Acid by Ged Backland for March 12, 2025

  1. Large blue morning
    Yakety Sax  about 16 hours ago

    Well, You Can’t Argue With That

    I’m standing in the hallway at court and I overhear a lawyer talking to her client before their hearing.

    Lawyer: “Look, your ex and their lawyer politely said in their response that you’re a piece of s***, and I’m not honestly confident they’d lose that argument.”

     •  Reply
  2. Large blue morning
    Yakety Sax  about 16 hours ago

    You Can’t Really Argue With That

    I am a ballet teacher. On this occasion, I am teaching a small group of six- and seven-year-old beginners.

    Student #1: “Miss [My Name], why does ballet only count to eight?”

    Me: “I’m not entirely sure. I think it’s because music is usually counted in four, and two sets of four is eight, but I don’t know for certain. The problem is that ballet is really old, so we don’t have many records of why things are the way that they are.”

    Student #2: “Wait, how old is ballet?”

    Me: “The earliest beginnings of ballet are over 600 years old.”

    Student #1: “Woah… That’s even older than Disney Plus!”

     •  Reply
  3. Large blue morning
    Yakety Sax  about 16 hours ago

    You Could Argue That, But What Would Be The Point?

    My brother, sister-in-law, and I are playing a game where some of the rules are a bit… open to interpretation.

    Me: Paraphrasing the card I’m playing “‘This turn, the most argumentative player goes first, and the least argumentative goes last.’ Can we go ahead and agree that that means [Brother], then me, and then [Sister-In-Law]?”

    Sister-In-Law: “Sure.”

    Brother: “NO!”

    He went first. She went last.

     •  Reply
  4. Large blue morning
    Yakety Sax  about 16 hours ago

    You Can Only Argue So Far

    I am the supervisor and manager of my department. A customer insisted that something happened while shopping in our store. I checked our CCTV and what she said happened never did. She argued relentlessly with me.

    Customer: “You’re lying! And your video is lying!”

    She then went to customer services for a supervisor, and of course, she got me. Then, she demanded a manager for the department. Me again. We went back and forth for about twenty minutes, and in the end, I’d had enough.

    Me: “You will not be getting anything from us because what you claim did not happen. If you don’t stop making a scene, I will ban you completely from coming into the store.”

    Customer: “I don’t believe you!”

    I got a banning letter and began filling it out.

    Customer: Smugly “You don’t know my name or address!”

    I might have laughed.

    Me: “Your name and address are in my system from previous deliveries.”

    Suddenly, she wasn’t arguing anymore. She left the store.

    Nearby Customer: “I wanted to smack her! How did you resist?”

    I just smiled and walked off.

     •  Reply
  5. Large blue morning
    Yakety Sax  about 16 hours ago

    One Coupon Does Not Fit All

    I am walking into a gas station and overhear a customer complaining at the counter:

    Customer: “It’s a coupon for a cheeseburger!”

    Cashier: “It’s not a valid coupon, sir.”

    Customer: “There’s no reason why you can’t accept it!”

    Cashier: “One, this is a gas station! Two, that is a Burger King coupon! Three, it expired in 2021.”

    I got my items from the other cashier, and when I left, the guy had started arguing about what year it was…

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  6. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member about 15 hours ago

    That’s true. Hubby and I did that early on. Now, we never argue.

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  7. Missing large
    kendavis09  about 14 hours ago

    My wife and I, we’d never fight

    We calmly talked things over to find out why I’m right

    Now I can say with the honesty of cheers

    We were married for three happy years

    (3 out of 21 that is)

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  8. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  about 11 hours ago

    I never argue with my wife. I give her time to come to my conclusion. ;-)

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  9. N1223477701 5819
    ObiJoan  about 8 hours ago


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  10. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member about 8 hours ago

    Oh that is easy. We once worked a homicide where a wife shot her husband because he put is fishing worms in the refrigerator. They were in a sealed container and couldn’t get out, but she got mad, shot and killed him.

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  11. 250
    ladykat Premium Member about 8 hours ago

    You can argue about anything if you try hard enough.

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  12. Img 5203
    rockyridge1977  about 7 hours ago

    ……..and that couch is a perfect fit!!!!

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  13. Missing large
    dflak  about 6 hours ago

    My wife and I are like this. By the time we clarify our respective points we wind up in violent agreement.

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  14. Odin
    Holden Awn  about 6 hours ago

    Oh, yes. Same facts and experiences; different interpretations.

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  15. Missing large
    Bill The Nuke  about 5 hours ago

    My wife and I are sometimes in violent agreement.

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  16. Stinker
    cuzinron47  about 5 hours ago

    You’re obviously not ‘yes’ people.

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  17. Missing large
    gammaguy  about 4 hours ago

    “The devil is in the details.

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